Meditation ~ Kriyas ~ Psychology ~ Philosphy ~ Religion ~ Mythology
Count: 2971
Mental Register Hampers Meditation
The Paramatma Issue
History of Buddhism
Fetus Memory Blank
Honest nun
Another Sky of Consciousness (Chit Akash)
Recent Yogi
Physical Evidence about Samskaras Subtle Impressions Transfer
Yogi Self-Release
Penance of Shiva
Fear of Death
Tīrtha Series Master Database
Bhagavad Gita Series - 9 : 3 Aspects that compels Action & 3 Parts of an Action (BG: 18.18)
Liberation is not Likely
Bhagavad Gita Series - 8 : 3 Types of Action (karma) [BG: 18.23-25]
Bhagavad Gita Series - 7 : 3 Types of Performer (kartā) [BG: 18.26-28]
Bhagavad Gita Series : Master Database
Bhagavad Gita Series - 6 : 3 Types of Worship (Yajante)
Bhagavad Gita Series - 5 : 3 Types of Food (Āhārāḥ)
Bhagavad Gita Series - 4 : 3 Types of Souls (Purușa)