Meditation ~ Kriyas ~ Psychology ~ Philosphy ~ Religion ~ Mythology
Count: 3014
Perception Tools
Video and Meditation
Artificial Intelligence and Religion??
Divine Eye Quest
Sensual Rapidity in Meditation
Mind and Materiality Separated
Having a Main Meditation Object
Poverty for Yogis
Hinduism Simplified
Scattering/Convergence Control in Yoga Practice
What is Samadhi and How to Develop It
Intracacies of Buddhist Emptiness
Parenting Skill Trap
Patanjali Yoga Series - 1: Self Study & Report Card after 3.5 years
Reply to: Dispersing / Converging – Divine Eye Operation
Dispersing / Converging – Divine Eye Operation
The Legendary Writtis
Psychic Subtle Organs of Perception
Elevating the Energy of the subtle body
Disciples -a- Hazard
Sensual Slipway
Mental Registry in Yoga
Nature Perpetual in Origin
The Farmer and the Seed
Buddhism & inSelf Yoga - a Group Phone Lecture & Discussion
Idea/Thought Generator
Religious Rulers of the World
Intellect Conquest ~ Preliminary Control
Desire Cosponsors Future Births
Multiversality of the Subtle Body
Buddha contrasted with Jung
Carl Jung
Old Age for Yogis
Chit Akash Calling
Soul, Spirit, Atma, what is it?
2 Types of Buddhist Enlightenment
Upanishad Series - 2: Katha Upanishad is a Sankhya Text
Yogi Color Interest
Sri Krishna speaking to Sri Aurobindo Ghosh
Dvaita/Advaita Controversy