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Divine Eye Quest

In the quest for the divine eye, there is an observation which must be made directly, to see the operation of the converging, collecting or rejecting, and then identifying or grabbing the object which was pursued.

There are three possible actions which result from the converging shoot.

After sending out a voluntary or involuntary beam for detecting an object which it targets, the sender energy converges as soon as it senses any suspected object. As soon as contact is made, there is rapid converging on the object, as if to enclose it. Then immediately a decision is made to acquire, or reject the object.

If the object sensed felt desirable, there is a grasping action made by the beam, where it advances to surround the target. If the object feels undesirable, there is a rejecting action, where the beam retracts rapidly. If, however, the object feels neither desirable nor undesirable, the beam retracts rapidly or slowly.

A yogi is required to observe how this is done. He should note when the outreach energy is sent. It is for the most part, involuntary. He will see that when the object is detected visually, only certain colors cause a strong search beam to go out of the psyche. Certain other colors cause a lack of desire. Others cause slight interest only. The rapidity of the attention beam which scans should be noted. The yogi should research in the psyche to understand why certain colors cause the most compelling searches and the resultant grasping with such a strong attraction or pull, that the entire body focuses on the target.

Over time a yogi should learn how to give a command to stop the generation of further interest and compulsion when the attention beam shoots a ray for collection of certain objects. For instance, the color of a human body or the color of the garment worn by a human, may repeatedly cause a compulsion beam which always seem to only to the target or to make the target be compelled to come to the yogi’s body.

This retraction of interest must be done repeatedly, so that it becomes installed as the attitude of the psyche to any similar color, shape, or sensual form. This will cause the yogi to have a converging interest into the random psychic energy seen in meditation, such that he can focus in the blank mindspace and will in time develop divine perception during meditation sessions.

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