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Thoughts Oscillating during Meditation

Sometimes, it happens, that during attempts at meditation, thoughts oscillate so that even though they are unwanted, they occur regardless. This makes the attempt at meditation a failed adventure.

By using some effective method, that may be or may not be a standard procedure, or a learn method, some yogis do eliminate thoughts. It is up to the yogi to divulge what he/she does to bring the mind to order to stop the automatic production of ideas and the outburst of compelling memories.

When thoughts oscillate, they appear then disappear. Sometimes a blank state of mind occurs, which may be experienced as a relief, or it maybe considered to be just as unwanted as the thoughts. This is because the blank mental space may consist of depressing energy. It may be a dulling retardative force in which there is nothing but energy of ignorance. This is also an absorption, even though it has no brightness in it, and it is a lower state of consciousness.

A yogi should investigate these unwanted stages to see if there is anything he can do which would reduce these mental conditions. Do they arise because of negative associations or because of environmental impositions. If a man enters a room which has a noxious gas, he should expect that he may faint, or even experience death of his body. So, it is with having lower psychic energy in the psyche.

One does not have to willfully be bored or depressed. It can happen because of extraneous causes which were due to associating with others who are in a lower state of mind. It may occur because of environmental influences. Like for instance, being in a place which has little fresh air, or eating a food which has negative effects on the physical and subtle bodies. A yogi should investigate this, and do the needful to reduce, if not eliminate this.

In some meditation, naad sound resonance may occur. It may manifest even when the mind has random thoughts or memories. It may attract the yogi’s attention so that his focus shifts to listening to the naad resonance. In such situations, the yogi should note the location of naad, as to if it is head on the right or left, up or down, infront or behind.

Does it saturate the head? Does it cause the random ideas to disappear, to cease manifesting? Does it cause the yogi to focus on the blank mind which is desirable, because there is a bliss aspect occurring which nourishes the yogi?

What should a yogi do if naad causes a mental environment which has no focus, no objective, no thoughts, nothing, besides radiant awareness, or radiant awareness with light, like sunlight or like moon light, and with a bliss aspect.

What if a supernatural being appears where the focus energy of the yogi, converts into supernatural vision where he/she perceives beings or mere environments on higher planes?

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