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Extraordinary Yoga Dimensional Contact

Many higher states are reached when doing meditation but these are reached usually for microseconds or for split moments. During such a short time, the yogi can hardly assess what happened. He/She cannot identify which level of existence was contacted.

This is a major setback because it means that he/she cannot focus on those levels, cannot beam into any of them and cannot even identify which level was contacted. Sometimes a yogi reached the chit akash sky of consciousness which has a bliss aspect to it, a cooling spiritual energy and a moonlight type of light shining in all directions. But if the contact is momentary, he cannot assess it sufficiently. It disappears rapidly and the direction from which it is opened disappears instantly so that if he focusses in that direction, there is no contact with it as the opaque energy around the yogi closes in instantly, and does not allow access to anything beyond lower force which normally surrounds the self.

This report is being made because of the insistence of Yogeshwarananda, who suggested that I report something about the Swargaloka angelic heavenly place. He said that when doing bhastrika/kapalabhati pranayama breath infusion, if the yogi holds the locks appropriately, then there will be times during the practice, when there will be bliss energy arising in the psyche, here and there. He identified that energy as being on par with what it is like when one lives in the Svarga angelic. In that place there is a beverage which is known as amrita. It is reported in the Puranas, that by taking this the people who reside there remain in a bliss energy and their subtle bodies remain in a youthful format.

The experience of this is present when doing breath infusion, and there is a bliss spread through the energy gyration centers, or in parts, or in all of the subtle body. A yogi who does not identity this energy, does not apply his/her confidence in the practice. Thus, that yogi/yogini does not have the faith which is derived from knowing what the bliss energy is.

Aside from that, in meditations, in samyama meditation according to Patanjali ashtanga yoga, there are many split-second experiences with have high value, but which cannot be access as such because these experiences are spot events which happen only for split seconds or less. The inability to identify these contacts is costly for the yogi/yogini because of not knowing which level of existence they are from.

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