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Blare Meditation ~ Inner Stability

Pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal practice, takes some time to complete. This means years of daily session of inner pulling of the sensually energies which naturally course out of the psyche into the physical environment and its supportive psychic events.

After some time of daily practice, one realizes that when one assumes a posture for meditation, the outward coursing energy ceases to lung forward and out into the environment. Instead, it remains as the central force stabilized, with no interest in going out of the psyche to identify, grasp and extract the value of the physical objects or their psychic counterparts.

This stability, this lack of interest, happens with or without an accompanying sound which is known as naad resonance. This is a high-pitched frequency which may be somewhere in reference to the central force in the subtle head.

A yogi should hold to naad while being stationed as the central power which blares, which does not move about, and which makes no effort to venture outwards, or to have interest in thoughts which concern ideas to procure sensual objects.

Holding to the blare feature of the coreSelf, the yogi should also hold naad. This will give support to the effort to keep the mind from resorting to its thought/idea generation activity which is not supportive of developing divine perception. From the blare consciousness, the yogi may develop flashes of divine eye perception. In time, this improves to render longer durations of divine piercing.

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