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Blank Mind Meditation

There are many reasons why someone may find himself/herself to be in a mindal space which is blank of anything or which has scattered energy or light as its content but with no thoughts, ideas, or images. This type of mental state during meditation may be boring, depressive, enlightening, desirable or blissful. It may also be a feeling of nothingness, a voidness, with the absence of anything except for an awareness being observed by an individual consciousness or by a whiff of individuality, which is near to nothing.

If there is happiness energy in the mind, if there is a bliss feeling there, this state may be desired or even craved by the meditator.

Some nothingness states are tagged as desirable states in Buddhism which list them as śūnyatā, which means the status of being nothing.

If, however one does meditation, and one finds oneself in a blank state, when one does not expect it, one can either use that blank mind as the meditative objective or one may shift from it to whatever one desires as the purpose of the session.

It may be of value to figure why the blank state arose. Even if it is desired or is unwanted, the cause of the appearance of a blank state, if noted, could be of value to the meditator, in that he/she may induce the blankness whenever desired, either to study it, be absorbed in it, or even to learn how to break from it.

For instance, if one did a breath infusion session which resulted in blank meditation, one may in the future, use breath infusion to induce the state. If one chanted a mantra, or was involved in a ritual ceremony prior, one may again do that to see if it consistently results in blankness.

One may perform a test to see if the mind will remain in blankness for a time, for stay thirty seconds, five minutes, one hour, or more. One should note this in regards to what the mind naturally does, as to how long it will remain blank with no aggression in thought/idea production.

One objective can be to test to see if one can induce blankness of mind at other times, randomly, so that the mind can be compelled by mere willpower to cease its aggressive showing of ideas and memories. Keeping the mind in a blank state for some time, is desirable for the development of psychic and spiritual perception.

For this one may wait in the blank state until a portal opens to a higher dimension or until the spiritual eye becomes available or until one gets a visitation or inspiration from a deity or higher entity.

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