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Defocusing the Mind


Can you tell us something about De-Focus, I mean reverse of concentration which is basically equivalent of focusing but the idea is not to focus on anything.


Defocus occurs voluntarily and involuntarily, by willpower application or by natural influence which force the mental contraction or relaxation to be applied.

It is complicated. For that matter most yogis have little understanding about it because for the most part, until one is proficient in internal perception, it happens by natural forces which cause one to relax focus involuntarily.

Take for example this.

A yogi sits to meditate. The first action is to determine what to focus upon or what to relax or what to ignore completely. That alone could take minutes to complete. Merely sitting in a posture, does not on its own, cause order and direction within the mind.

Once the yogi determines the required focus. Other factors come into play. For instance, is the mind already occupied tightly to some other focus, where when the yogi sits and settles in the mind, he/she finds that the mind is tightly interlocked on some other focus which is undesirable?

Can the yogi defocus the mind from that unwanted focus? Suppose the yogi tries to defocus but he/she finds that the mind holds to the undesirable feeling or idea, how would the yogi defocus the mind from that and turn the mind away so that it can be applied to what is required?

Concentration means mental gripping or grasping. Relaxation of concentration is defocusing the mind either to cause it to relax entirely with no substitute focus or to cause it to defocus and then to apply itself to some desired mental or emotional object.

But what if the object is not within reach?

What if the object does not manifest even though it does exist on some other plane of consciousness?

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