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A Sense of Urgency

The link below gives an audio talk along with a written transcript. The talk is given by Thanissaro Bhikku who studied and practiced in Thailand and now has a Forest Monastery in California. He is also a prolific translator of Buddhist texts from Pali and Thai to English.

Here Venerable Thanissaro addresses the “arrow in the heart” (Sutta Nipata 4:15) and samvega, disenchantment, leading to a sense of urgency. This was of interest to me for many years now and I came across this talk while doing more research on “the arrow in the heart.”

I think there’s something for everyone in this talk beginning right at the outset where a monk who stops to smell the scent of a lotus blossom is confronted by a deva.

Here’s the link, which should open after a short delay:


Replies (2)
    • Beautiful post!

      The link is very useful, it has lot of kriyas (mystic ritual act) given by Buddha if one can catch up to it.

      I have been called out on my tendency to use more than one supernatural devas like servants, it is a shameful act. Tendency of exploitation is Internet in psyche. Samvega does strike time to time and dies out after sometime.

      • Extraordinary insights given. What struck me most was the instruction that any serious practitioner has to “see even the slightest fault as big as a cloud.” This can be overwhelming at times, especially with fate enforced obstacles. It is tempting to “relax” with each break in momentum!

        The lessons that followed in the article were equally complementary.This was an overall encouraging discourse!!

        Thanks for sharing.

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