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Graphic Software Ownership Abolished?

Adobe threatened to cease selling their Graphics adjusting and creating software for some time now. Actually they made the decision and will no longer service or sell it. That means that if you want Photoshop, Illustrator or Dreamweaver or any of their other media manipulation products, you will have to rent it and pay month by month forever.


It is a good idea to get a DVD copy of the product you want because pretty soon, no copies will be available to anyone.



Replies (12)
    • Now a days, every software vendor is trying to get monthly income with online subscription based license program. It helps them to get continuous revenue, control on piracy !
      • It seems that is the situation about continuous revenue and piracy control, but it also means that people have to be able to afford it. The same consideration applies to automobiles because in a short while, low income people will not be able to buy a car, they will have to lease it, which means never owning it, and paying forever. This will make slaves out of every impoverished and even so called middle-class persons.
        • It has been in the making for a long time, and will drive pockets of societies into so called cities of the future or smart cities where this mindset will be in full swing.


          I believe that at this rate, everyone else will be living in what will be compared to outdated living environments, even the prized and exclusive gated communities will one day seem like cave locals for the supposedly unevolved folks in the future.


          It will come down to ownership vs. access. Just owning something limits you to a physical structure or concept, but access is going to be far superior by allowing a continual and time sensitive form of ownership or connection to what is made available by creators of the coveted human living extensions. 

          • I support the open source community. They provide good software at no price, with GPL (General Public License). I use the tolls like GIMP, Paint.net, Inkskape etc. I also use Linux system. Variants like Mint, Ubuntu of Linux operating system is free to use. No price. There is an operating system called Ubuntu Studio, which contains lot of free Graphic Design Tools. http://ubuntustudio.org/ The money comes from Support and commercial versions of these software. Suppose a large organization wants a license free environment. They can get support to provide entire transformation.

            • It is important to support the resistance so to speak, this way certain ways of living are protected by the individuals who share those values for as long as necessary and possible. There will always be counter movements that we can consider alternatively.


              I had partitioned a previous computer with Linux in order to access that independent spirit and enjoy the autonomy, but in the end I lost and gave in to the status quo. It takes much conviction and self reliance to maintain the separation from the mass.


              In the US still today there are communities that live their ancient ways. The Amish do not use electricity, go to dentist offices and get around on horse baggies. Sometimes their youth go out and discover the outer society and divorce themselves, but they often choose to return as they have a deep appreciation of their values.


              Another case is that of old mobiles (cars) in Cuba where they could pride themselves at personally maintaining cars from the previous era. But now that Castro's influence is opening outward, they are bound to give into convenience and gradually acquire cars that can only be diagnosed by a computer. 

              • Cloud is not a technology advancement. Its only a shift of location. Whatever software running in a premise, can be shifted to cloud. Its a inevitable shift, nobody can stop that. Lot of money is involved in Cloud Structure. But the main issue is they own our "Data". Whatever NDA are signed, events happens in leakage of Data. Although thats a different topic altogether, but this is happening. Its like putting the human memory data in the "Cloud of Universe". Whoever made this system, the data is safe in the Akashik Records, however we have forgotten the "Password". Most of the people cannot access their own memory beyond the current lifetime. Similarly if something happens in the cloud, we lost the data. I give you an example. I created a mail ID, the person was also using the mail ID without any problem. His mail data was kept as a copy on Cloud storage. When the person left, we deleted the mail ID and tried to recover the Data from the cloud. Whew!! 70% of the mail data was missing. Something went wrong in the cloud. This is what is happening in many cases. People are ignorant, having less knowledge. The cloud owner person/company who maintains the Data suffers from the same disadvantage. If I can lost the data, cloud can also lost. And the real fact is nobody is responsible. If we cannot recall our past life, to whom we can blame ? Same thing happens. They say, your fault or they do not reply.
                • Similarly if we use the software in a rental mode, we will face two issues: 1. We will have to take extra bandwidth from Internet vendor. Again payment. 2. We need to pay yearly/monthly basis. For one system its ok, but think of a situation where we use multiple systems and every system will require some price. If one system goes popular its price graph will raise exponentially. Its only a business and we will be forced to pay nothing else. In India, people are forced to pay online after demonetization. For each online payment, they are taking money for each transaction. As an individual, we are unaware of hidden facts. The entire system is money driven, and our mentality is also. The worse part is the technology is driven by money, and because of that we are standing on the Atom Bomb. This was also the fundamental basis of the movie "Avatar".
                  • Very poignant issues, Manish - You explained much of the truth behind the fascination of technology. Your application to memory of the present and past lives is significant. It is a very serious matter how we are ripped off every life in regards to having our memory of the past confiscated, or just plain disabled, by the psychic material nature. That is the real problem.
                    • It seems the mechanism of memory itself has been subjected to an organic process of change in order to adapt to an increasingly fragmented and accelerated train of existence. Certain areas of the recall apparatus I posit would have needed to develop more than others to accommodate the change in lifestyles as human advanced in terms of civilizations.


                      It is not even the same type of information or data that we (need) remember, and not in the same way presumably since it is used differently. Humans are relegating more of their data in separate digital devices than on their proper person. They still keep some memory in their instincts, yet the extended filing system does not correlate with any more likelihood to access previous lives’ files, not even allow for registering those of the subtle dimension in a concurrent lifetime.


                      Surmising from the above post, nature it seems is also queen of give and take, and she is endowed with or would allow only so much at a given time and setting. A future world with a vertically expanding memorization process will be most detrimental to introspection, even for the type of environment implied.

                      • Suryananda's points are important. In terms of yogic advancement, overall, the average person will digress because of the technology. A strong yogi won't be affected by it, but most of the students will get carried away with the technology and will lose out on spiritual practice. This is mainly because people feel powerful and enabled by the gadgets. I have seen this repeatedly where a student gets a pride feeling because of using the technology and that converts into less practice and less advancement. It is to be regretted but the technology is so attractive that it grabs the students even more so that sex or addictive substances. Too bad!
                        • I see yoga as a technology. If a person gets the ability of Astral Travel, self control, shaping the future are all part of technology. I see the entire universe as a advanced technology creation, that we are trying to understand. We should use the technology to get the help for humanity. Humanity / humans should not be driven by technology which is happening now.
                          • This beautiful world could not be created without technology !
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