Comment to 'Graphic Software Ownership Abolished?'
  • It seems the mechanism of memory itself has been subjected to an organic process of change in order to adapt to an increasingly fragmented and accelerated train of existence. Certain areas of the recall apparatus I posit would have needed to develop more than others to accommodate the change in lifestyles as human advanced in terms of civilizations.


    It is not even the same type of information or data that we (need) remember, and not in the same way presumably since it is used differently. Humans are relegating more of their data in separate digital devices than on their proper person. They still keep some memory in their instincts, yet the extended filing system does not correlate with any more likelihood to access previous lives’ files, not even allow for registering those of the subtle dimension in a concurrent lifetime.


    Surmising from the above post, nature it seems is also queen of give and take, and she is endowed with or would allow only so much at a given time and setting. A future world with a vertically expanding memorization process will be most detrimental to introspection, even for the type of environment implied.