Comment to 'Graphic Software Ownership Abolished?'
  • Similarly if we use the software in a rental mode, we will face two issues: 1. We will have to take extra bandwidth from Internet vendor. Again payment. 2. We need to pay yearly/monthly basis. For one system its ok, but think of a situation where we use multiple systems and every system will require some price. If one system goes popular its price graph will raise exponentially. Its only a business and we will be forced to pay nothing else. In India, people are forced to pay online after demonetization. For each online payment, they are taking money for each transaction. As an individual, we are unaware of hidden facts. The entire system is money driven, and our mentality is also. The worse part is the technology is driven by money, and because of that we are standing on the Atom Bomb. This was also the fundamental basis of the movie "Avatar".