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This guy presented a novel way of self-realization. From the angle of inSelf Yoga, his "I Am", is not the coreSelf. It is the sense of identity of the coreSelf, which to some degree is inseparable from the core. His disappearance of that "I Am", is the suspension of the sense of identity, except that its disappearance is temporary only.

inSelf Yoga has it that the limited self cannot permanently delete the sense of identity.


Replies (2)
    • True, the temporary suspension of sense of identity is his way, very close to bare atma.

      It does do wonders and a step higher when compared to sense of identity's naturally sticking to Buddhi all the time and atma redirecting the sense of identity to atma itself is in a way higher. It is a head on approach. 

      Until atma relocates permanently to higher locale or chit Akash, the sense of identity will resume it's old posture of sucking to Buddhi when it comes to lower locale. 


      • Based on the instruction that was recommended by the guru here. It is my understanding that one would’ve atleast had to complete the first 5 stages of patanjali yoga or have some prior life history of doing so to even put this into practice.

        The preliminary stage for its implementation seems like an advanced pratyahar practice which results in “attending to the sense I am.” That is, a focus on the sense of identity without any influence from the intellect, kundalini and memory adjuncts.

        On another note. It came to mind now that the reason why Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj are often mentioned together. Is because a contemplation on “I am that,”(Sense of Identity) and it’s temporary suspension, may lead to the realization of “who am I”(CoreSelf). Before, I thought that the former and latter were guru and disciple. This is just my speculation with limited knowledge of their teachings.

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