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Sex and Devotion

Sex and Devotion

On July 11, 2022, I was in an astral communication with two people who are officials of a devotional sect. One, a male, who is one of the current sexual partners of the other, who is a female, left as soon as they arrived. The other, the female, wanted to discuss the matter of how, in her case. sexual attraction was not conquered by the devotional method of chanting holy names, attending worship ceremonies, eating restricted meals and some other processes which are part of the method used by their religious institution.

At first, I thought that I should not publish the conversation. I felt that some people would be critical of it. Some others would be alarmed by it. The lady however insisted that I should publish her opinion. Here is what she said.

“My view now as compared to years ago when I first joined the sect, is that its process did not cure me of sex desire. I also noticed that it did not do so for many of the followers who were my friends. This is speaking about male and female members.

“It was frequent, that some senior people, myself included, made sexual trysts physically in secret but mostly it occurred in the astral world with the subtle body breaking away and meeting with some other senior member for sexual love.

“According to the leader of the sect, he promised that those who sincerely followed the method, would not be afflicted with this sex desire but it never happened in my case, that I was freed from it and for that matter, especially on the psychic plane, my subtle body pursued every sexual opportunity where it felt attracted to someone else.

“My body is elderly now. But even with that condition, the subtle body is just as eager and ardent at pursuing sexual opportunities for sexual behaviors of various types. What I am saying is that the devotional process did not remove the sex desire. For that matter when we mixed to complete one or the other of the devotional process, that association merely accelerated our desires to have sex with each other. Even when we resisted the urge in the physical body or could not complete the act because of not having physical privacy, the subtle body ardently hunted for the opportunity and completed it on an astral plane or did so mentally.”

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Replies (2)
    • Michael Beloved Thank you for sharing. Shows the value of the bhastrika/kapalabhati breath infusion process. 

      • This may not be a new information for inSelf Yoga students especially after reading Sex You and other Madhva books but this information.

        This testimony coming from a devotional sect person is a big thing as they condition their mind to be everything part of leela (play) and run with the group energy without closely examining the self.

        It is big move for that lady to have noticed this drawbacks in that method and within the self. 

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