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Self as Bare Self

During a meditation on March 23, 2021, Ramana Maharshi, a self-realized person entered my psyche He was in the head of my subtle body. He discussed the self and showed his realization of it as the core issue in the world and in the life of any living being.

“No matter what,” he said, “everything is reduced to the reference. For the self, it is the reference in its contact with anything else.”

He discussed the following.

  • self as self + psychic adjuncts + cultural assignments
  • self as self + psychic adjuncts
  • self as self before the addition of adjuncts

The adjuncts are added to the bare self involuntarily. They fuse to the self by an adhesive attraction which causes such a rapid fusion, that the self has no time to realized what happened.

In meditation, in the Patanjali samyama process, an individual self can realize itself without the influence of the adjuncts. Otherwise, it is not possible for the self to experience itself except in that fusion and under the influence of the adjuncts.

The cultural assignments can be shredded temporarily or even permanently by a yogi if he is proficient in inPsyche detachment. However, these assignments remain in their place and latch to a yogi as soon as his application of detachment is relaxed.

The perception of this can be done in meditation using feelings for eyes. This occurs when the chittavritti mental operations cease, and the coreSelf learns how to retract its interest from the illustrative features of the intellect and the sensual services of the kundalini.

Ramana said this.

“The core will remain with its adjuncts and even with its cultural assignments but it will experience a segregation with itself by itself in the room of its spiritual existence. It is the experience which you have at this moment. I remain here always. I can be found here ever.”

Replies (1)
    • Sri Ramana Maharshi is popular for asking seekers the question “Who am I.” That question seems to be the basis of his teachings. There’s an oversimplification of this question in the general public, where much diluted explanations are expounded by various followers of the great saint.

      Great to now have some insight into his inquiry “Who am I.” It appears that the realization of this through direct experience would be a tremendous feat for any yogi. Given the nature of the austerities that must be mastered before one can segregate the Core-self from its adjuncts. A thing of interest would be, the actual austerities performed by Sri Ramana to come to this realization. Something which is absent from the public.

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