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Romantic Notions Haunt a Yogi

On October 16, 2022, I was trimming some twigs from some ornamental plants, when a deceased woman I used to know during the teen years of this body, arrived. She used a subtle body which was as bright and transparent as sunlight such that if she stood before a human being, that human could not see her because of the lack of contrast between the energy radiance of her body and that of the sun orb.

This is a person who was the age of my mother during my teen years. Recently within the past four years, I saw this person astrally about once every four months. Usually, we discuss events which took place around the year 1967. At that time, I was sixteen years of age. She had a daughter who was about fifteen years of age, a girl to whom I was attracted. In retrospect analyzing the energy of the time, it was a sexual attraction in part and just a friendly attraction in part, but the thrust and force of the attraction was that of the ancestors who lived in my body and those in hers, in the daughter’s.

Since that time, I have not seen this person, the daughter, but I heard some information about her from a friend who remained in contact with her history as the years went by.

Anyway, this girl’s mother, the lady who is now deceased and who has a sunlight body comes to speak to me regularly, at least every four months or so. It is still not clear as to how she can find my subtle body so easily but that is something which should not confuse anyone because the astral bodies have nature psychic powers which are baffling when compared to a physical form.

When this sunlight lady arrived, she greeted me and immediately said this, “We could easily live together, you and me. We are compatible. Just as you tend plants, we could live doing that and other things, living a peaceful agreeable life. But that other woman should have no idea of this.”

It is interesting that even when using a sunlight astral body, one can have cruel or hostile energy for some other person. People have asked me about this about incidences which were narrated in the Mahabharata literature, where in some heavenly world, someone develops a tension with some other person, which results in birth on earth to resolve the issue.

Just as she said the last sentence about a person whom she addressed as that other woman, she began to transport my astral body to a place which she felt we could live together with no one knowing where we were. That effort failed because my astral form had a drag force in it because of how it was connected to my physical body.

I wanted to say something to her about her desire but I did not, because I remembered a rule about the astral domains that one should not say anything disagreeable to anyone while on the astral side.

I did speak however. I said this, “You cannot be sure that agreeableness in a romantic relationship will not flip to something which is undesirable. Even on earth we know that some relationships begin in a huff and a puff with everything ready and set to go. Then something happens, there is an event or a mood, and the situation of affection crashes. The partners then dislike each other, or one will remain attached while the other will be callously detached.

“And conversely some relationships may begin on a bad note, like the case where one is born in a culture where one’s parents pick the spouse for one. Then even though one had no say in the selection, and even though one knew nothing about the spouse-to-be, still, the relationship which begin in cold romantic terms become bright and is a source of fulfillment and fondness.

“How can we be sure that our romance will not flip.”

After I said that, she looked at me with a curious expression. She thought, “There is always some wit and wisdom with you. I will get used to it.”

It is interesting how this sunlight woman cut her friend out of this and did not want her friend to have any idea that she was attracted to me in this romantic way.

Replies (7)
    • Most Astral Romantic relationships have a secretive and surreptitious tang and flavor to it!

      • Quote: “wanted to say something to her about her desire but I did not, because I remembered a rule about the astral domains that one should not say anything disagreeable to anyone while on the astral side.”

        I can use some help or qualification with this statement. Does this rule apply generally for those who are on the physical side, and during their astral experiences or is this just regardless, even when one has permanently transitioned?

        I have to come to accept that there isn’t really so much of a daylight between the physical and the subtle/astral sides, as they cycle perpetually, one into the other, like the yin and yang, like night and day. And in this case, direct subtle into broad daylight during some daytime chore.

        The shenanigans along with the different dalliances as well as “tribal/clan”incessant demands go on, and on from one side to the other back and forth. So, it comes a little bit as a surprise, that as a yogi one should just not be disagreeable.

        Of course, one should be observant of not disturbing others’ consciousness and avoid creating in them resentment energies, since they ultimately hurt the yogi (in time) regardless of the environment. But rolling over in the face of some of the stuff that can go on, such the unreasonable demands seem as a hard pill to swallow.

        We don’t take any old bullpucky on the side, why should be on the other side? Anyways, a diplomatic answer in these specific types of situations is always best, regardless of on which side. But the lady is obviously wise herself and discreet about her affairs. She is aware that she has been gently rejected (for now). IMO, her reply was very astute. As far as she’s concerned, she’s not taking no for an answer. She says that she’s going to get used to it (your ways). 






        • Suryananda 

          The rule applies at any time one is on the astral side, irrespective of if one utilizes a physical body or not. However it is mentioned to remind yogis especially because yogis would be foolish to do things on the psychic level which are counterproductive and which would cause a yogi to lose progress or to be deprived of associations and information which that yogi needs to advance further.

          It is not that a yogi should only be agreeable but it is that a yogi should act in his/her interest according to the laws of nature and how those energies react for or against spiritual advancement. A yogi is not supreme and hence, he/she should act in a way that facilitates progress so that the all-pervading energies do not obstruct progress tp higher realms.


          A pill to swallow?

          Yes, even a bitter pill is worth the swallow if it will cause more advancement up the road.

          Want to rock nature’s boat?

          Okay, go ahead and suffer the consequences up the road.

          Can’t keep your trap (mouth) shut when you should?

          Good! Deal with the reactions further up the alley.

          Want to challenge nature’s operations which she enacts privately or secretly?

          Want to be a truth teller in every circumstance?

          Good! Then let nature block your passage upwards, and hold you responsible for triggering resentments and hard feelings.

        • Thank you, I get it! I appreciate the explanation pertaining to the yogi’s general self interest. That is not a new understanding. The point is well taken.

          • Suryananda Thanks for asking that question. The same thought cross my mind. 

            Michael wroteShe used a subtle body which was as bright and transparent as sunlight such that if she stood before a human being, that human could not see her because of the lack of contrast between the energy radiance of her body and that of the sun orb.

            Dean's question: Do we know how this woman is using a sunlight body?

            • There are various types of sunlight bodies. One type which that lady showed, is based on living on earth with a relatively neutral attitude to events, where by nature that person does not react to every social circumstance and is more like a passive bystander during the lifetime of the body. These people have an innate disinterest in human history even when they are subjected to appalling social and environmental conditions.

              People who act like this may assume a transparent or sunlight body and still be in a dimension hereafter which is near to this earthly plane. This does not mean that this person is self-realized in the yogi sense. This person may or may not be so, and will take rebirth as a human being sooner or later.

              There are other types of sunlight bodies, like for instance, someone who shifts into the sun energy before or after the death of the physical form. It is likely that this person will not take a physical body but will instead shift upwards totally to be a sun-being, losing the perspective of being a human-being.

              And there are still other types of sunlight bodies, even though these are rarely experienced by anyone using a physical body.

            • Michael Beloved  Thanks for the explanation. 

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