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Right To Abortion Struck Down

Replies (13)
    • Abortion as we understand it is the negation of a beginning new life form, not a life. The core-self interpreted as soul by others is eternal, never born or killed.

      But any manner to deny a self it's providentially assigned bodily form is killing, regardless of the developmental stage or relative location to a womb, egg or other, this includes animal bodily forms as well.

      Somehow however, it is political issue the world over. Women are emancipated and do not want to be seen as vessels of life against their will.  

      But regarding the decisions of the majority conservative court, isn’t it contradictory to rule for life of a foetus and prioritize gun freedom over gun murders, But politics is more about interests than reason.

      As soon as tech becomes able to handle gestation, it is clear that it will quickly be adopted as a preferred means of carrying a child to term. I wonder why they haven't prioritized artificial wombs thus far. I am just being analytical not siding here.

      Though as a being endowed with a male spyche in this life cycle, I can muse myself with the question of, if I would easily lend my body to grow another individual, even when I see it as a inconvenience to my self-centered existence.

      Therefore human reproduction should involve both a father and a mother. In cases where a father is unfit as in the case of rape, it may require great wisdom to carry such offspring to term.


      • This has little to do with law and politics and all to do about religion, in so far as religion controls law and politics. This is a decision in favor of Christianity and its approach and attitude to pregnancies. If that religion had its way, there would be no abortions and there would be no children born out of wedlock (religious ceremonial marriage) because every human being would be effectively prohibited from sexual intercourse unless that person was married in a Christian ceremony.

        When the landmark case of Row versus Wade came down, the Christian leaders harbored a deep resentment and it took this long for the situation to be flipped in their favor. Now they won the battle which they lost at that time. How long will be their victory???

        The real enemy now however is organic chemistry, not abortion-supportive groups and womens’ rights advocates.

        Can they close down all chemistry labs everywhere on earth?

        As soon as some chemical is manufactured which can cause relatively safe miscarriage, how will they put their feet down on the availability of that?

      • Not just christianity. Islam and probably all other judeo-christian beliefs, and more. I guess it comes down to the separation between church and state?

        But if abortion can be considered the taking of life, a murder, then doesn't the government regardless of its supporting religion play a role?

        Indeed organic chemistry will continue, just as natural ancestral herbal remedies have always been used to induce abortion everywhere in the world long before modern science.

        • Suryananda

          Law in the Western hemisphere, particularly in Britain and the USA is based on Jewish legal development as mentioned in the Old Testament. For instance, the rule of "Thou shalt not kill," pertains to the killing of human beings only, not to any other species because the other species, the animals have no souls.

          Other laws in the West evolved from the Jewish judicial development. Thus laws are underlined by religious approvals and suggestions. The USA is not a country which was founded on the basis of secular law. The situation is that secular law was formed from religious stipulations. That still holds today.

          The farce is that people are told and they believe that the US Constitution is a document which has no religious bias. That is not true. Why do most people who have to swear-in or swear before a court, given a bible to use as the reference?

          The constitution does have religious bias but there is a national dishonesty where no one wants to say that it has that because then it will be found to be imperfect and that will be a let-down.

          Why up to this day, they do not use the Constitution instead of the bible as the reference?


          • Can abortion laws stop companies from paying for abortion travel?


            • Correct, they can happily take a tourist visa in any country especially in developing country and get the procedure done. There are also medical tourist visa, which are famous in countries like Turkey, India, Thailand, etc for some special procedures. 

              It is relativity cheaper than US, so most probably a new medical tourist agencies might be popping up like mushrooms all over US, I guess. That's a good entrepreneurship opportunity. 

              But still poor people who are not employed by these big corporations or teen pregnancies in a poor family cannot circumvent the law by going overseas, they are the most affected. Software engineer in Google or Amazon would have already figured out a way for abortion or smart enough to even avoid it but again the poor and innocent people are the target here and they form the big majority and this ban will affect them pretty badly. 

              • Many questions ensue ...

                Did the SCOTUS spite it's own face?

                Now a political tool, after Trump's insertion of 3 conservatives ...

                Again American institutions, even the highest held authority on the land is now just sanctimonous. 

                The clocks are dialing back, it will be interesting to see how the pieces rearrange on the gameboard.

                • And why the scare of the embryos?

                  Some say, "Kill them!"

                  Some say, "Let them live at your expense. You should have known better."

                  • The world has become exceedingly materialistic and subsequently individualistic. These are part of the epitomes of western civilization models, now universally adopted through inevitable globalization.

                    An embryo or any other entity that is perceived as an inconvenience to one's lifestyle or standards (especially at the wrong timing) must be erradicated.

                    Individual humans have become anti-others in all shapes and shades, even the planet, our only home, the organic sustaining mother Bhoomi is also being stifled.

                    The process of civilization (the future of which will always be a moving target) and and its ways are anti-living (in the long-run), and hardly anyone can who is participating and/or taking advantage of modern civilization can consider themselves free or absolved or guilt, IMO. 

                    This is our planetary consciousness. It demands killing as a matter of course.

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