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Privacy During Yoga Practice

Privacy is a farce in my experience. During the youth of this body, I placed a high value on “privacy.” In those moments, I fulfilled my heart's desires. Privacy meant that nobody was there to object to or witness any of my activities. At the time, I did not factor in the presence of subtle beings. Then as the body matured over the years, the demand for privacy increased with it. 

Originally, when I did the breath infusion practice, it was done religiously in a relative’s backyard. Eventually I became concerned about my relatives and their neighbors’ reactions to the loud breathing and postures. Once, as I did a session in the yard, I was approached by a neighbor about it. He expressed that he was terrified by the sound after hearing it in the early mornings. He thought that it might be some predatory animal lurking nearby. 

This concern continued when I moved to a new area a few months ago. I was hesitant and reluctant to practice for a while. In addition to being concerned about causing disturbances to the neighbors, I noticed that the houses were situated such that multiple people could view my practice area. I tried to locate blind spots but there were not any. So, my only opportunity for “privacy” was to practice early in the morning during sleeping hours, or practice indoors. 

On March 9th, 2023, I was performing breath infusion practice in the astral world in my current home. Earlier in the session, I thought that I should position my subtle body in a place where I could not be seen by others whilst practicing. I then did so. After some time, I thought that I should end the session earlier than I had planned. When I took off the blindfold that I wore, I saw that the door to my left was cracked open, and there were a bunch of people peeking at me. They watched shyly with intrigue about what I was doing and felt that it was weird.

After awaking with awareness in the physical body, I immediately got the impression that these were the same neighbors that I hid from in the physical world. So much for my cherished privacy. 


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Replies (1)
    • People on the physical side can get accustomed to someone doing irregular bodily practices. For instance it is considered trendy for anyone to do asana postures in big cities and even in small towns. Twenty years ago, the same was considered to be unwanted and weird.

      Privacy however is an illusion because even on the physical side, people have psychic ability which allows them to sense when something is strange in the vicinity. For any type of irregular yoga practice, a yogi must push on with his practice but doing so in the least public way.

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