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Pornographic Influence

On July 16th 2022, I was in an astral classroom at a technical school I attended with some of my other classmates. Two of them, both males, were sitting across from me with a short distance between them. I looked towards my right, and noticed that the subtle body of one of those males had female features and apparel. One of his legs was raised higher than the other, and a female sexual organ was displayed.  

I observed this with surprise, and became sexually attracted. To my left was the other male classmate who began flirting with that same person. This is after he noticed the same changes. When I looked in his direction, his subtle body also did the same thing. I observed this with intrigue, then uncontrollably pursued the first individual for sexual favors. 

I discussed this experience and the events leading up to it with Madhva and Dhyān Yogi. From these conversations, I realized that the experience occurred as a result of a hentai pornographic photo that I briefly viewed. This picture was sent into a group chat with my fellow classmates at tech school. I saw the image, but I didn’t realize that it left an imprint in my psyche. Even more, sexual interest developed. 

 The subtle bodies of the two male associates mimicked the bodily features of the hentai character seen in that image. The sitting posture was identical, and the clothing and hairstyles were the same. I was not able to confirm if my subtle body also adapted the same features. But it is clear that nature facilitated the fulfillment of this whimsical interest. Such are the dangers of viewing negative media and having associations that are detrimental to spiritual aspirations. 

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