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Next Birth Opportunity?

Current World Population

According to this bit of information in the above link, there is plenty of opportunity for next births, and there has been an explosion of human births! Yet, families are having less children.

So IMO, the difficulty that is experienced in taking births is circumstantial. It will be very difficult for those who are narrowly focused on their family line based on socio-emotioanal attachments, or limited to clan mentality. In the hereafter, I suggest going beyond such boundaries, starting here now.

According to modern human history, we are becoming a global village. This sentiment is scary to many on this side of reality as well, but already through subtle technology of communication/connections of World Wide Web and now the social media it is just the reality that we are all part of.

In addition, there is more animal extinctions, as the number of wild life tragically dwindels. But we have more and more pets, and they are becoming “humanized”. My sister’s pure breed ($1000’s), almost never barks and behaves like a human. It is so different from the regular outside dogs we grew up with. Apparently, and paradoxically, it seems that all are converging into more human population that has nearly been exponential.

Therefore, as of now on this side, it is beneficial to be more open minded and accept others as family, and it is important on the other side to have flexibility and accept to contribute benevolently to others’, perhaps based on common interest such as practice or philosophy of life/ lifestyle. If my sister’s dog can do it I can (of course she -the human- is the driving force behind the subversive merging, unbeknownst to her).

Regarding my own, my son is an African-Asian, Malian Japanese. He happens to be from his mother’s side of the family. I don’t really see that as an issue, neither do I care. I just fullfill my obligations as best I can. I don’t endorse clan mentality and I see it merely as arrogance. The broader and critical perspective is to serve as providence allocates. Such posture IMO is beneficial for the future.

Additionally, I notice that my spiritual guide though in a black body is himself in my assessment from previous advanced brahminical lineage. So again, flexibility in looking beyond the “tribe” psyche and body coloration is great sense of cooperation that favors oneself, as nature continues to facilitate material evolutionary tendencies. 



Replies (4)
    • Based on my interpretation of this, it is a great long term approach for securing one’s future interest in getting more bodies. And as you illuminated, one may face various challenges if one is limited to the clan he/she performed services to.

      From a yogic perspective, I think that yogis should only focus on resolving karmas necessary to finish up one’s time here in this material plane. As opposed to creating new karmas that present complications capable of causing the yogi to transmigrate for many lives. Who knows how nature will facilitate those new relationships in the future. The next issue is that one’s own duties require so much time and effort to perform proficiently. So my view is still very conservative, due to my single minded focus of completing the course of yoga. If this endeavor fails, then I would be dependent on the clan whom I serviced. Or present the receipts of my services to another clan, as credibility for a contractural agreement that I would service their interest in the next body.

      I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Perhaps my view is limited and inconsistent with the current and future predicted changes in modern society.

      • IMO, your view is very valid and sound! However, man proposes, God disposes.Therefore, as you surmise, plan b is apt.

        • I initially put forth a three-liner because I didn’t think more details were necessary, and also because truth (albeit relative) can be displeasing and even disheartening. But I feel encouraged by the exchange and can see it positive to have the opportunity to elaborate from a related aspect to what I initially posted. I am adding a couple of pertinent points.

          Of all the serious, committed and limited core group of inSelf Yogins here assembled and connected, I am not aware of a single one having taken birth based on the high ideal of rebirth in a yogic family. The reconnections to the path so far (over a couple of decades) have come from disparate origins. It seems long gone are the days of generalized, predictable and auspicious yogic births.

          Further sobering yet, is the fact that as far as I am aware, so far, none here have begotten an offspring of notable yogic nature. And in that regard it is also necessary to maintain an open mind and accept to discharge responsibility and obligations toward progeny as a matter of course and not privilege or pride. 

          That previous statement in particular might directly speak to yogi parents heads of growing families. As they focus on the “self” sacrificing and enriching endeavor of caring for their young ones, it is easy to loose objectivity or at least to favor personal philosophy over practical consideration of children’s individual psyche/natural proclivities. 

          Admittedly, it is an astute and delicate balance of contribution in terms of service to guide them for the society they will belong to, yet also reform of their negative and self indulging tendencies. Towing that fine line will make them into adept individuals, and that is in their benefit. The parents’ own desires can get in the way of constructively and positively (or impartially) discharging this obligation.

          In practically all other systems, such objectivity in the process of reincarnation and approach to kids’ home upbringing is completely misunderstood or absent, as faith and haphazard hope pave the way. So mostly all other paths give hope of some vain higher and better future. The reality of inSelf Yoga though acceptable can also be unpalatable.

          Providence has its own calculations and humans’ lofty theories do not equate to that, sadly.That said, the scenario expanded upon only applies to plan b., when and if reincarnation needs take place.That I am posting here now in this way indicates that so far I have not succeeded, but of course by all means, no pulling punches one should forge ahead and humbly hope for the best. 

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