Comment to 'Next Birth Opportunity?'
  • Based on my interpretation of this, it is a great long term approach for securing one’s future interest in getting more bodies. And as you illuminated, one may face various challenges if one is limited to the clan he/she performed services to.

    From a yogic perspective, I think that yogis should only focus on resolving karmas necessary to finish up one’s time here in this material plane. As opposed to creating new karmas that present complications capable of causing the yogi to transmigrate for many lives. Who knows how nature will facilitate those new relationships in the future. The next issue is that one’s own duties require so much time and effort to perform proficiently. So my view is still very conservative, due to my single minded focus of completing the course of yoga. If this endeavor fails, then I would be dependent on the clan whom I serviced. Or present the receipts of my services to another clan, as credibility for a contractural agreement that I would service their interest in the next body.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Perhaps my view is limited and inconsistent with the current and future predicted changes in modern society.