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Memory of Higher Planes

The way memory is packaged in the psyche and made available to the yogi, is not accommodating to simple explanations. There is more than one memory chamber. For that matter some memories of previous experiences are available only when the yogi is aware on those higher planes. This makes it near impossible to access those memories on the spur of the moment. A yogi would first have to reach a certain plane of consciousness before he can access certain high experiences which occurred there.

That is a handicap but it explains why students have difficulty attaining higher levels of awareness and the bliss states which are experienced on those planes, in that they cannot remember previous higher states attained because unless they reach those planes by some means or by some grace, they do not retain the memory of those experiences on the lower levels, even on the normal level usually experienced during meditation.

Some students pester me about being in higher states during meditation and about having recollection of higher states experienced previously. The answer to this is that unless one attains a higher state by some means or grace, one cannot recall it if the memory of it is stored in the subtle body in a way whereby it is not experienced as a memory unless one reached that higher level.

If a higher experience is in a memory which is only accessible on a higher plane, that recall cannot be experienced until the yogi reaches that higher level. The yogi will practice meditation or whatever suits his practice but unless that practice takes him to the higher plane, he will have no recall of the higher place.

Memories are available on lower levels but these recalls pertain to events which takes place on those lower planes. Such is the situation that this is unfavorable for recalling and getting encouragement to meditate.

One other factor is that some memories which are used by the psyche of the yogi, are stored on certain planes of consciousness and not in the psyche of the yogi. This means that those memories do not travel with the psyche of the yogi and are not available unless the yogi reaches the higher level where those memories are packaged. Then the yogi’s psyche connects to those memories and they are made available but only for as long as he is on those planes of awareness.

There are many questions which arise for student yogis but much of this is based on erroneous assumptions which do not tally with the reality of how the psyche and the psychic cosmos actually operates.

Replies (4)

      Michael Beloved Thanks for sharing. 

      • Similarly, it can be explained and appreciated that one can avoid lower level associations in the astral worlds by accessing or ascending to higher dimensions or levels of consciousness.

        And then, from associations within any particular environment subsequent memories are derived and stored in the corresponding dimensional locations.

        So in that sense, a life experience is limited to some time-span of the coreself within a specific environment, dimension, or level of consciousness.

        Further, an existence can be looked upon as a mosaic of the core-self’s life experiences through the dimensional stacks of its presence, irrespective of the life cycles.

        • Addendum:

          I am currently in Mali West Africa. I have been realizing that just from being here some childhood memory songs have been popping up in my mind randomly. I didn’t even remember that I knew such songs for the past couple of decades! On the same side of the same planet there can be different worlds.

          Conversely, during a discussion here I was surprised that I could not remember some names of some prominent American politicians. With sensitivity to details it can be sensed that Mali is structurally or dimensionally different to the US, therefore some impulsively accessed memories are different.

          To me, this illustrates that the most natural way of accessing a memory is to be present within the dimension where it is created, that is where that memory actually belongs, as if its raw materials are naturally existing there. Then, it is almost by osmosis that the memories which are also instincts naturally become available or reactivate, within an environment, otherwise out of sight means out of mind.

          Because consciousness being present in a particular environment automatically fills in with details that are preferentially previously associated memories, energies or instincts. It cannot be empty, like space it immediately fills with space molecules, there is no such thing as a vacuum or voidance of elements in nature, even considering the scientifically so-called dark matter and antimatter. Just like upon rebirth within any species, one automatically resumes past instincts associated with such form.

          • There is a big outcry about technology. Many people are scared that they are being controlled by the titans of technology companies. However if that is true then it is also, and is perpetually true, that we are controlled by nature which runs this place with us included, as its utilities.

            Just as we are greedy for electricity and the technology which that sponspors and we do not want to be imperiled by it, so nature craves our energy and expects that we will sponsor it.

            But the recent outcry about technology is a childish temper tantrum with no deep assessment of our situation in nature.

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