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Magnetic release of coreSelf from its Adjuncts

The release of the coreSelf from its adjuncts is a tremendous effort which takes years if not lives of detachment and retraction practice to achieve. It begins when a student discovers or is introduced to pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal which is the fifth stage of the eight stage Patanjali ashtanga yoga syllabus.


Eventually one should realize that there is a coreSelf and adjuncts in the subtle body. The core is hypnotized by the adjuncts. The effort is the free the core from the hypnotic spell which the adjuncts express. Some students begin with the view that the core is the master of the psyche and that it does not have to kowtow to an adjunct or anything anywhere for that matter.


However, this idea is an idea only because the natural way is that the core is surrounded on all sides by a sense of identity which responses to and is reflective of the core’s reliance ability, where it is not an absolute principle and hence must rely on something.


Besides the sense of identity there is the intellect which is a psychic organ for computing and analysis of experience. Besides that, there is a kundalini psychic lifeForce, which hedges the core by providing supports for generating experience and compiling responses from the environment which the core finds itself in. Besides that, there is compiled information in the format of memory.


Each of these is psychic. Each challenges the autonomy of the core. Depending on the needs of the core, on what it lacks but requires, the adjuncts control the core.


In meditation one will reach a stage where the struggle with the intellect is reduced because the intellect seems to be not as strong as a hypnotic force as it was before. Later one experiences a freedom from the intellect during meditation sessions with the intellect being present in silence and exerting no force of attraction to the core. Then the magnetic force between the core and the intellect disappears during the meditation. And if the core wants to contact a subject of interest, that core may do so with a loop of attention rather than through a direct and helpless attraction which is like a straight line of force.

Replies (5)
    • Michael Beloved wrote: And if the core wants to contact a subject of interest, that core may do so with a loop of attention rather than through a direct and helpless attraction which is like a straight line of force.

      Dean's question: When the core self loops its attention, is it have direct interaction with the adjuncts? If so how does the perception change and what are the benefits for the core self? 

      • Some sad unexpected questions indeed. However, since you were brave enough to inquire, I can only hope that you have the courage to face the reality which is that without the adjuncts the core self as it is in this reality, turns out to be a big hullabaloo about nothing.

        This is because it cannot directly perceive anything in this physical and subtle reality because it is not equipped with the proper detection devices. It cannot by itself convert itself into a down-shift of itself which would match these realities and cause that longed for direct perception.

        The mere idea that the natural and supernatural reality supplemented the coreSelf with the adjuncts is the most glaring suggestion to it, that it should remove itself from its ignorance and realize that it cannot directly in any way comprehend this reality. Its show and tell about this, is a manifestation of its ignorance. Please check in the Yoga Sutras about a declaration about the mundane nature (natural and supernatural) being in touch with the coreSelf because of the core’s primeval ignorance.

        The self is a brilliant reality but brilliance as in the brilliance of light does not mean objective perception and keen knowledge of the illumination it provides. That should not be assumed because otherwise it would be a false presumption.

        • What are the coreSelf’s benefits in separating from the adjuncts?

        The advantage of that is that the core can come to its senses and realize its helplessness and its lack of understanding because it cannot without the adjuncts see anything here either in the natural or supernatural environments.

        The only reason I wrote this is due to the fact that you pressed me hard with the question. Patanjali defined kaivalyam (kevalam) as two positions. The first is the separation of the core from its adjuncts. The second is the re-unification of the core with its purified accurate adjunctions. What was the need for two definitions or conditions?

        It was necessary because the core needs the adjuncts to supplement what it lacks and what it cannot directly apprehend. I am hopeful this provides some clarity. The explosion is psychological and not every ascetic survives it because it blows arrogance to the smithereens.

        Yes, every ascetic must meditate and answer the question for himself/herself. Here it is again with a few words added:

        • When the coreSelf loops its attention without taking assistance from the adjuncts, does it have direct interaction with the objects which it relied on the adjuncts to perceive?


        • Dean's comment: Understood. Thank you. 

          • Very insightful! Thanks for asking  that question Dean!

            • Quote from the initial post by Rishi Michael:

              Yes, every ascetic must meditate and answer the question for himself/herself. Here it is again with a few words added:

              • When the coreSelf loops its attention without taking assistance from the adjuncts, does it have direct interaction with the objects which it relied on the adjuncts to perceive?"


              My "thoughts":

              When looping its attention without taking the assistance of the adjuncts, the coreSelf would have its attention not much hypnotized by the intellect and therefore can be directed towards objects that are subtler in nature than the other ordinary objects of consideration.

              So the coreSelf may not have a direct perception of the objects which it relied on the adjuncts to perceive.

              And, this is would defeat the purpose of doing the exercise if it will lead back to the very thing the coreSelf is endeavoring to loop away from.

              Furthermore, without the adjuncts in this environment, the coreSelf might as well be immaterial or inconsequential (as explained in Rishi's reply).Therefore, according to that scenario, the coreSelf wouldn't really have anything to do with absolutely nothing at all that we know of, from our adjunct perceived lives and realities of all and any levels.


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