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Kundalini Burst Downward

The convention is that kundalini should rise from the base of the spine, from muladhar, and should ascend sushumna nadi central spinal passage. This information from India controls the practice, to such an extent that it limits what a student can achieve because of having this iron-clad objective.

In the year of 1970, while I was in the Philippines, I found a book written by an India where he stated that he was alarmed by the conventional information about kundalini because it did not explain anything about front kundalini.

Before reading this, I did not even consider that there was a front kundalini. Actually, that ignorance was due to following the conventional information as well as being careless in observing the nerve tracts and bio-electric energy of the physical body. When the bio-electric energy flows through it, the physical system is declared to be alive. As soon as that power no longer moves through the body, it is declared as being dead.

An observation about the passages and transits of the bio-electric power is an observation of kundalini. This means that one does not have to be a yogi, to know something about kundalini. Everyone using a living physical body, is familiar with the bio-electric energy but most persons are unaware that it is a version of kundalini which is felt as nerve feelings being transmitted through the body in various places.

Pranayama breath infusion of kapalabhati/bhastrika is the sure way to energize and startle kundalini so that it flares and then moves here or there in the subtle body. However, the idea that it must begin at the base chakra and move up through the central spinal passage is incorrect. It may or may not do so.

There is front kundalini which may begin either at muladhar chakra or from the sex organ chakra in the front of the body or from the lower abdomen pubic area, from the navel area, from above the navel or from any other centered or non-central place in the front of the body.

Surprisingly, kundalini can sparkle from anywhere in the body. It may sparkle from the armpit(s), inner chest, surface of the chest or any other place. Even though the belief is that kundalini will rise when it is aroused, it may go down, across, to the left or right. It does not have to rise and a yogi should not be surprised if it does and should not necessarily try to force it to go in any conventional direction.

When I did an early morning practice on June 11, 2022, an astral student was present. Due to his increased psychic ability, he followed every practice I did using asana postures and breath infusion. He noticed that kundalini flared in the shoulder and then rushed downward through the arm. Just after this kundalini flared in the center behind the ribs. That spread downward through the chest of the body. It may no attempt to go upwards. This is a valid rise of kundalini, just as an upward movement of the flared kundalini is regarded as a bliss burst.

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Replies (5)
    • Michael Beloved Thank you for this insight. 

      • During very beginning days when not even a single kundalini was rising, I read this below line from your books:

        "In the year of 1970, while I was in the Philippines, I found a book written by an India where he stated that he was alarmed by the conventional information about kundalini because it did not explain anything about front kundalini."

        Instantly, I said "Ya, I know this" by some instinct but never understood what I said it. Then, later on, when several kundalinis were rising, my instinct went back to that statement of that yogi in 1970, "ya, he was right".

        All my work on frontal and other kundalinis go back thru Madhva to that yogi who wrote that line. Those lines were impregnated with heavy potential for further advancements. 

        Several yogis also helped on the way, but that starting spark was from those 1970 lines by an unknown yogi relayed by Madhva. That yogi was not lying, all he said was truth. 

        • Kundalini Burst upward, in my practice and as detected over time, primarily because the particular format of Kundalini generally taught by RishiDeva culminates upon charging the lower energy center, pressurizing it from subtle oxygen, and then flaring it by way of a particular psychophysical kinetic movement, next, immediately channeling the aroused energized life force towards the higher ones, through the posterior lateral system.

          Through other intuited non conventional processes, I have aroused and pressured the life force by applying different directional psychophysical pressures, as a result, in those occasions the energy can also consistently manifest in different locations for the blooming expressions of the life force energy. Given locations are consistent with particular kinetic applications.

          This is sparkling the life from certain key manipulation vantage points. I am not in a position to state that it may sparkle from literally anywhere in the body, such as the armpits… This is a notable distinction in the described modes of practices.

          I would please like to inquire regarding the following statement:

          “Just after this, kundalini flared in the center behind the ribs. That spread downward through the chest of the body. It may no attempt to go upwards. This is a valid rise of kundalini, just as an upward movement of the flared kundalini is regarded as a bliss burst.”

          Is the last sentence suggesting that the upward movement of the flared kundalini is the one regarded as a bliss burst, as opposed to the others? According to my practice, I take it for granted that all positively charged compression expressions of the life force yield a valid rise of kundalini.

          • Suryananda 

            I confirm that all positively charged compression expressions of the life force yield a valid rise of kundalini. 

            • Thank you!

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