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Irresistible Sexual Energy

When I began the breath infusion practice, I became fascinated with contacting advanced yogis in the astral realms for their association. I thought that their assistance would accelerate spiritual advancement. Amidst all these failed attempts, one yogi that assisted, was Yogi Bhajan. Assistance for which I owe immense gratitude. When I was made aware of the assistance, I began to deeply research the guru’s activities before his passing. I aimed to discover media content that illuminated his philosophy. I succeeded in doing so, but I became taken aback by the innumerable criticism intermixed in the media as well. 

Upon viewing some of the critical articles and videos, I passed judgment and became mildly critical of the guru myself. There were times where I even mentally denied some of the accusations, since I felt that a critical attitude by the intellect may affect my relationship with the guru. This led me to avoid all such content to preserve the association. Nevertheless, in December 2022, I viewed an article that briefly described the impact that his sexual relationship had on one of his female students. I recalled that the person involved had previously published a book detailing the abuse. From this, I became inspired to read it. A few days after I began reading the book, I had an interesting experience. 

On January 6th, 2023, between the hours 3am and 4am. I became aware of the psyche in a trance state. Then I felt a surge of intense energy throughout my subtle body. It was potent lusty sexual energy which applied constant pressure. I tried pulling away and aggressively fought it, but it persisted. After some time, I realized that this was the energy that Yogi Bhajan endured during his tenure as a guru in his last physical body. It was irresistible, overpowering and commanded the psyche. I became frightened by its intensity. 

Yogi Bhajan communicated via thoughts that he experienced this when he led a spiritual organization. He was surrounded by female disciples whom were considered as his personal assistants. I also experienced the energy and pressures faced by gurus to act as a savior and to offer guidance to crowds of people. I must admit that it is a scary combination, and I pondered as to how one can survive the role of a guru amidst all that attention.  

By the grace of Mahayogi Yogi Bhajan, I had this experience. It shattered any moral judgments I have had about Yogis who have been ostracized for sexual relations. My perspective now is that primal sexual energy has little regard for moral standards instituted by society. It should not be underestimated, and is by my estimation, irresistible.  

Replies (4)
    • There are many ins and outs, ups and downs in the spiritual path. Most of the deviations are not deviations but rather they are incidences due to miscalculations, where the yogi did not figure every factor into the equation.

      Hence when nature appears with objections and denials, the yogi becomes frightened or is disappointed. Suppose I say that the sun will never rise from the West. What will happen if the sun suddenly does so? My disciples will run around crying, "Our guru is a liar! Our guru is a fraud!"

      But nature never stated that this guru was to be correct in every declaration. Nature was silent when I made the claim. That itself was the warning. So much of someone's success in yoga has to do with support from nature, such that if nature pulls back or does not supplement, the guru will be proven false.

      And this is okay! Is it not?

      • Rishabha Native American Proverb - Never judge another man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins. 

        I know I don't have to tell you this since you clearly experienced what Yogi Bhajan was feeling. This is a good lesson for all of us on this path. We are all like microscopic krill in the ocean.

        Thanks for sharing this. 

        • If one listens to a smattering of Guru Nischan’s interviews in the YouTube series titled Uncomfortable Conversations, there will be little doubt as to Yogi Bhajan’s overall character. It wasn’t just so-called sexual misconduct. Many came forward after Pamela Dyson’s book was published, both men and women, who felt compelled to share their stories for the record.

          Im having difficulty sharing the link. However one can find  a playlist of 51 interviews on YouTube by searching for Guru Nischan, Uncomfortable Conversations.

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