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Guru Now / Guru Then

My astral body went to a location which was formed by Kirtanananda Swami in the astral existence. He was the guru of the place. It was designed to his specification.

At first, I noticed that he created and conducted some religious hymns but none of these were the Hare Krishna chants which his guru, Swami Prabhupada, introduced while that swami was physical.

For persons like Kirtanananda there always will be music and singing because that is necessary in establishing and continuing a religious establishment. Kirtanananda had a goshala cow pen as well, something which Bhaktivedanta introduce and which Kirtanananda loved to have.

He was in the process of building temple buildings and large accommodations just as he did at New Vrindavan in West Virginia. I met some persons there whom I have not seen in over thirty years. These were senior people at the New Vrindavan place. Some are already deceased. Some use elderly bodies at this time.

Even though Swami Bhaktivedanta did not instruction him to produce this location in the astral existence, Kirtanananda attracted them to this place. Recognizing each other, I was greeted cordially.

At one time, Kirtanananda wanted to weld some metal pieces to extend the supports for the goshala cow shed. Someone read his mind and brough a gas cylinder. The gadget was ancient. It was difficult to get it lit. One of his devotees tried but could not cause the gas to ignite.

Jut them Kirtanananda arrived to do a ceremony. He gathered everyone before his honored seat. He began to sing. Unfortunately, no one knew the words to the holy song. It was not about Krishna. It was not any of the Krishna chants Kirtanananda practically compelled people to sing when he used his last body and was an authority under the auspices of Swami Bhaktivedanta.

Kirtanananda sang the song even though no one could sing the refrain. He did not have copies of the words to hand out. He sang on and then signaled to one of his devotees to bring a sheet of paper from somewhere. That person did just that but still no one in the audience knew or saw the words. Kirtanananda, a self-confidence person, sang on.

Soon after that I left his place. I consider releasing this information of something which happened on the astral side on October 9, 2022, to give some idea of what may happen hereafter to a religious leader.

Replies (2)
    • Continuation of same habits, traits and practices from physical to astral to physical to astral to physical to astral ........., Goes on.....

      When will this endless loop of casual energies stop the atma from repeating its performance compulsively?

      • From the disciples’ perspective, it seems that whomever one places their confidence in during the life of the physical body. May directly or indirectly influence one’s activities and the direction one goes in when one is utilizing a full time astral body.

        Lovers? Ancestors? Leaders of Religious institutions? Gurus? Serious yogis? 

        From that angle, association is soooooooo important!

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