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Divine Eye Procedure November 23, 2021

For some time now, I practiced to discover a method for using the divine eye. Needless to say, at this point after years of endeavor, I am barely getting some procedure which may be used by students. The main impediment is the prevalence of subtlety, where the divine eye occurs on a supernatural level which is inaccessible to most people and that includes practicing yogis.

Unless one masters the subtlety, one cannot recognize the divine eye, what to speak of using it. There are two features which help in cultivating and manifesting the divine eye but even if one attains these two absorptions, one still will not command the use of the eye but it may operate involuntarily. This means that it will show whatever it shows and will not allow one to control, direct or pilot it. Even so if one can use it when it allows usage, when it ranges over this or some other level of existence, then that itself is an excellent achievement.

Great yogis were reputed to use the divine eye but one should assume that in their practice there was a time when they could not control it, and had to be passive while it ranged over one or more dimensions and revealed what it revealed involuntarily.

There are two requirements for attaining the required subtlety for its manifestation. These are.

  • absorption in naad sound resonance
  • mild focus on the subjective light which emanates from the coreSelf

Absorption in naad sound resonance takes years to master. Initially a student becomes excited when he/she attains consistent naad focus in meditation. I had students who contact me in the heat of excitement due to hearing naad resonance. They feel that this is it. This is the big deal. This is the ultimate. Actually, naad resonance cannot be appreciated by a person who is materialistically involved or sensuously captured.

Naad resonance becomes a quality absorption samadhi, only when the lifestyle of the person is simplified and the sensual addictions are reduced. However, anyone who hears and meditates on naad should continue doing so and should appreciate the access to the resonance.

When naad is realized as a reliable support, where it shelters the coreSelf from the assaults of the intellect, then the meditation on naad attains a steadiness which may cause the yogi to perceive subjective light. While there is the coreSelf, the intellect, naad resonance and the mind space, with the core being aware of itself, the intellect which it escapes from and naad which it takes shelter in, this will be an objective experience with the core knowing where each is located. The intellect will be in the front part of the head. The core will be in the median area and naad will be in the back, somewhere. The core will move into the naad resonance. When it does so the intellect will disappear. The intellect’s shenanigans will cease. It will be there but it will be invisible so that there is only the coreSelf in naad and the mind chamber.

When this is stable and occurs again and again in meditation sessions for some weeks, months or years, the time will come when the core will discover that it emanates light. This is a glow of subjective light.

The mild focus on the subjective light which emanates from the coreSelf is perceptible subjectively. It is not an object which is objective or apart from the self. Hence its clarity is subtle. It can be seen just as a portion of a light can see another portion of the same light. It tolerates a mild focus only. If the yogi applies a harsh focus, it disappears because then the yogi shifts from the self dimension where it can be perceived.

After transiting to the dimension where this coreSelf can perceive the light which emanates from itself, there is the likelihood, that the divine eye will be available in a clear space. this space can occur at the center of the eyebrows or where the intellect is usually positioned. But it may also occur near to the coreSelf in the light which it emanates.

Initially the yogi will see scenes having to do with fulfilling the reproductive urge. One may question this because of having ideas that the divine eye would reveal everything except what pertains to physical existence but that is conjecture and speculation only. In the practical use of the eye, a yogi will see whatever is related to the reproductive urge because that is the urgency of the subtle body for it to secure its footing in a physical body hereafter, a new physical form, an embryo.

These visions of reproductive objects are usually scenes of sexually mature youthful women in nude or semi-nude postures with bodies which are flush with reproductive capability. Of course, this a predictive for a yogi because it informs that he/she is not cleared for exemption from rebirth. These forms seen, show reproductive attraction not sexual attraction. That should be noted.

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Replies (1)

      Michael Beloved wrote: The intellect will be in the front part of the head. The core will be in the median area and naad will be in the back, somewhere. The core will move into the naad resonance. When it does so the intellect will disappear. The intellect’s shenanigans will cease. It will be there but it will be invisible so that there is only the coreSelf in naad and the mind chamber. When this is stable and occurs again and again in meditation sessions for some weeks, months or years, the time will come when the core will discover that it emanates light. This is a glow of subjective light.

      Dean's comment: Thanks for this. It helps to me to understand what I have been recently experiencing in meditation but could not verbalize in my notes. 

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