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Dispersing / Converging – Divine Eye Operation

While using a physical body, the perception of the coreSelf, operates through a single attention faculty which is resistant to control and easy to operate when the target is something physical. For psychic objectives, it is difficult to operate. It is as if it does not exist, except impulsively and haphazardly. It shoots out of the sense of identity which surrounds the core on all sides spherically.

To deliberately operate the divine eye is a difficult task which may cause frustration and even total doubt about the eye being there. As a fetus has undeveloped eyes, and as it cannot see, and cannot have confidence in visual perception, so the coreSelf may lack confidence in divine vision.

In the womb, the eyes of the fetus take some time to develop. It is a biological formation. In that condition, the coreSelf cannot command the process. The most the core can do is to wait for the development to be completed.

During meditation, it is required that the yogi remain in the mind with no operation of the mento-emotional energy. That is the basic instruction from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. However, there are missing details about how to remain without mental presentations and urges.

The operation of the attention of the coreSelf in its dispersing and collecting actions, must be studied. How does the mind disperse in cycles? How does it collect and converge?

Which part of the attention dictates the rate of movement into the core? Which part causes the receding of energy from the core?

What of the grasping and collecting rhythm of the sensual energies, where they proceed looking for their respective targets, and then they recede from a target?

The variation in focusing and unfocusing is controlled by what psychic mechanisms? For what purpose? By what rule?

It happens that there are focusing and unfocusing operations done by the senses, when they grip their targets, or when they decide not to grasp, but to recede from desired objects. How does that equipment operate?

Can either the Dispersing or Converging action be set into motion by the coreSelf, where this is done to cause the divine eye to function. Yogeshwarananda is of the view, that a yogi should converge the subtle energy at the center of the eyebrows. That energy is usually scattered. A portion of it, a little more than one inch in diameter, should be converged, and be held there until it is steadied. Then it should be held for as long as it takes to experience the opened divine eye. How practical is this? Does one have the grasp?

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