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Reply to: Dispersing / Converging – Divine Eye Operation

Original post by Yogiraja Madhvacarya:


Follow-up comment:

Interestingly some years ago, Shrila Yogeshwarananda had shared a technique from his works regarding the approach to the opening of the divine eye, as we are familiar with it already from the studies of Yogiraja Madhvacarya, who additionally always contextualizes the information as he shares with inSelf Yoga practitioners. The technique as shared then, suggested coming to the front, being there, and simply waiting with a relaxed focus, that was the just of it.

Working with the divine eye presupposes that, the life force has been worked with sufficiently to allow a certain level of cooperation from it. This is based on purification or proper alignment of the texture of one’s consciousness or subtle body with a higher dimension. Otherwise, one is not sufficiently positioned to practice the spectrum of Shree Patanjali’s samyama effectively.

Then it stands to reason that, the yogin(i) has tightened their practice regarding the sensual withdrawal, as well as their ability to disrupt the sway of the intellect as it churns the double effects of imagination and memories. It is only thereafter that, the practitioner may successfully position their attention focus at the center of the eyebrows. But then now, Shrila Yogeshwaranda is proposing to partition that divergent subtle energy to the front and study it, having reduced it to an inch in diameter. This is similar to a converging light from a flashlight that projects through an adjustable magnifying glass.

How practical is this? – Depending on one’s ability within the spectrum of the samyama process, it can be very practical.

Does one have the grap? – Provided that one has worked on the aforementioned prerequisites, then enough time waiting becomes one’s ally in this endeavor. 

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