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Deployment Experience

I am about 7+ months into a 9-months deployment in Poland. So, the time is quickly approaching for my return to the United States. The experience thus far has been both enlightening and depressing in some instances. With the mood here fluctuating as much as the unpredictable weather. Nevertheless, the diverse experiences and interactions have rewarded me with many beneficial lessons. Of note, the opportunities to travel to various European countries and expand my understanding of my job functions have been the most rewarding. Though these were balanced by the challenges associated with housing hundreds of multicultural individuals in a confined limited compound.

One obvious but important lesson learned, is that it is extremely difficult to maintain a yogic perspective whilst in a socially demanding environment. Due to arrogance, I was convinced that I would be able to increase austerities during the deployment. This to me was guaranteed since I would be away from family obligations. This was my time to shine, I mused. My idea was to isolate myself during free time, conduct two daily practices and focus primarily on filling educational gaps in my psyche. Instead, most of my waking time was spent in association with others. This meant consistently navigating conflicts with different personalities in close quarters, working long hours, tending to situations back home, and abandoning the practice entirely for consecutive months. With large gaps in sessions each time I succumbed to the discouraging energy.

Another challenge has been the excessively sexually charged environment. Though I have mustered the discipline to refrain from indulgences such as masturbation for the entire 7+ months. Sexual expression has been a daily theme here with rampant psychic and physical flirtations. Even though I lack the consistent breath infusion practice to discharge sexual energy, the avoidance of sexually stimulating media has helped to reduce its pressure. Additionally, by the grace of the insights taken from the Sex You! book by Michael Beloved. I reduced my food consumption and substituted foods that increase sexual secretions. These actions were further bolstered by maintaining disciplined hands. For even when thoughts surfaced about the act, my hands were trained to avoid genital contact. Since it is often the memory and/or habit in the body that compels some of these vices.

As for the psychic side, I resorted to training my mind to be satisfied with the sexual expressions/desires fulfilled by my subtle body in the astral planes. This was done whenever I recalled these astral encounters in dreams, with the aim of reducing the need for physical expression. I am still in the beginning stages of this, but every little effort will surely compound overtime. I have realized that one has to accept the power and allure of nature’s sexual energy. It is ever present and will continue to assail the psyche which is also interested and invested in this same energy. Waiting for her to offer an armistice as I have done in the past would be futile. For in my case, the pressure has been unrelenting. At some point, each entity has to make practical efforts to reduce participation at their varying stages. And avoid her trappings by limiting exposure which results in indulgence.

Overall this deployment has presented many challenges, but in hindsight, it has been a success for my cultural and spiritual development. Often times in unconventional ways, with some wins and many losses. The insights gained experientially has been a blessing.

Replies (2)
    • Nearly every human being is surrounded by the tendencies for expression which a coreSelf is outfitted with in this creation. This is a continuous pressure which is unrelenting. It never relaxes. It is so all-pervasive and impressive on the individual, that each person feels that he/she alone is being forced to engage. It is some relief when one understand that oneself and every other person is surrounded.

      It is a battlefield, and one will in time, realize that one cannot be victorious in the battle. Then what?

      • Good experience!

        Tough times make tough men and women!

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