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Dalai Lama / Tibetan Greetings Conflict

There is a link in the article which discusses the questionable behavior.


Replies (4)
    • Nutritional urge of the physical body

      By evolutionary, mother monkey feeds baby money by tongue at times everythough they have hands. Birds do it all time with their beaks. 

      The body used by Dalai Lama society titled atma is exhibiting evolutionary urges which are questionable to human and society standards. 

      • I saw the video of this on yesterday and the exchange appears sexual. A quick Google search revealed that a Dalai Lama is prohibited from sexual activity and this maybe yet another example of one’s inability the control the sexual impulse no matter the spiritual status (monk, priest, sannyasi, etc.).

        These spiritual personalities also have ancestors and the pressure to beget progeny is immense hence the homosexuality and the sexual molestation of young boys that is said to exist among these people. I can only imagine what their subtle bodies are doing on the astral. Best to just procreate or adopt a child and place the energy into raising that entity. Apparently, Uddhva is a very special entity!

        In all, I hope his display was indeed innocent, but his actions cause worldwide outrage and resentment which will affect him negatively. If innocent, this is yet another problem with association and exposure smh. If nature can put the Dalai Lama in this predicament then it is clear that no one is safe! Jai Shri Krishna!

        • The Dalai Lama is surely innocent however - the nature of the situation with cameras and concerned people reveals the misunderstanding at deep levels.

          many zen masters - people wondered why they sometimes behaved like children

          it is said that Ryokan preferred to spend more time with children than with the townspeople - simply because he was free!

          there is an important point to me however in that a buddhist master and a child are not the same thing because the child is a kind of pure experiencing , and the buddhist teacher has much experience in life. another point is that in tibetan culture there are certain traditions which have existed in their culture related to reincarnated tulkus and children who are determined to be part of monkhood 

          i dont think this is HH ‘s most graceful demonstration of that, but it is also important to understand that for his life from when he himself was a child he wanted to return to his home and could not. So i am curious about the context of this interaction which is missing and to me is at an innocent , childlike level 



          The dalai lama doesnt engage with the egoic thoughtstream, but engages as compassion. 


          • The Dalai Lama’s actions from my purview, does not appear to have sexual intent. Perhaps, this is a surface level observation without venturing into speculative analysis. Regardless of my opinion, the western influenced media scored a big-ticket story. And the child protection advocates, and the moralists are coming out of the woodworks to assassinate his status. This is without proper consideration for cultural context and differences. One may ask, what is to be gained by the naysayers from all this? 

            Since I am not versed in Tibetan Cultural norms, I cannot accurately judge his actions. However, for all the politicking that he does, I am surprised that he did not consider the international perception, nor the cameras that were present. After all, he is regarded as a role model for millions around the world and thus held to a higher standard. For 70+ years he built a positively accepted public persona. However, nature saw it fit to build upon her own track record. She supported a mountain of achievements, only to push him off whilst he hovered at the top. Such a sad ending to an almost perfect tale.

            It seems that nature is not partial towards her superstars. Such a story is often recurring throughout history. It could even be likened to a Hollywood movie. It has a charismatic character, an entertaining story, plot, and many twists with the illusion of a happy ending. Who wants to audition for that? And if one is not interested, one had better hide because there are scouts everywhere looking for the next talent.  

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