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Astral Hereafter City

On February 14, 2022, I became aware of an astral city where my deceased mother lives. Somehow by some power, she compelled my astral body to visit there. This astral place was a combination copy of Linden, Guyana and Denver, Colorado USA. In the astral existence, depending on what is possible, a person can create places or be in a created place where his/her geographic wishes are met to a greater degree.

In this place, for instance, my astral body climbed stairs with no heart pain, no shortness of breath. Even though at this time, the physical body I use, is seventy plus years of age The astral body acted as a youthful physical form.

This was a mountainous astral region which was filled with hills and valleys. Some houses were built on the sides of steep mountains. There were roads but only in the valleys and meadows. Otherwise, there were stairs. To get from one house to the next, one had to use stairs. A relative of my mother suddenly appeared ahead of me and without saying anything, she directed me to follow her.

She moved quickly. She was one turn ahead of me such that as soon as I climbed some steps and then saw her, she turned again and I did not see her until, I made the next turn, at which time she disappeared around another turn.

Then I was in a building where the children of my body existed. These however were at the age just as they were when my mother passed away some thirty years ago.

I followed the relative and arrived in a room where my mother sat. She interrogated me to get my opinion of the place. She suggested that I relocate there as soon as possible. Her view was that this was the ideal place to live as an enduring existence.

When I followed the relative to the room where my mother resided, I noticed a jeep moving down a road. There was no sound of an engine but the vehicle moved as if it had an engine.

This experience is a premonition about the death of my body. Sometimes a yogi is invited to a place where he could live after he is departed. It is important that he accept or deflect the invitation.

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Replies (8)
    • Madhva Wrote: Her view was that this was the ideal place to live as an enduring existence.

      Since the astral realm is shifty and constantly changing. Whereby someone can leave their house in a certain location and come back to it missing. It seems that she developed some confidence in that area based on the physical reference of having stability. Which will only lead to disappointment when that place is no longer there. I guess the same could be said for any place where residency is temporary.

      • Sure even a physical place is temporary, even though it may last for years if it was made of rock or stone, like caves used by primitive human beings. But in some astral places one lives like my mother does and one has no idea that the place will be altered even though it will be.

        One is mentally protected there because one has no ability to rate time. A similar condition is endured by us when we are infants where we feel that the earth was always here and that it is a solid something, and that we will be kids forever and our parents will be elderly people in the same way.

      • The earth is flat. The sun turns about the earth for our convenience. God made this as an Eden just for the two first people, our original parents. That was the plan! There is nothing else to consider. And because our original parents messed things up, God sent his son. He will make an eternal earth with us using eternal physical bodies, provided we accept the son.

      • One thing is certain, clan members always demand!It almost makes me feel hopeless and negative in some ways. So easy and natural to demand of someone who is obligated, and everyone is a clan member.

        But I'd like more details regarding the last sentence here:This experience is a premonition about the death of my body. Sometimes a yogi is invited to a place where he could live after he is departed. It is important that he accept or deflect the invitation.Is one's response to the invitation one's word, as in a contractual obligation or future manifestation of expression of intent? 

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