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Astral Dreaming Encounter

Greetings to all Yogis.  The following description is an encounter with some beings in a purified astral location while dreaming.

It was a tiny village above the clouds.  The few austere huts used the clouds as their foundation.  The atmosphere was clean, clear and fresh.  A being stepped in front of me.  It was a fearsome visage with large eyes and fangs, reminiscent of a Tibetan fresco.  It said "conquer the senses with strict control" or "control the senses with strict discipline".  It was a telepathic communication--a transmitted package of knowledge/feeling.  An encouraging glimpse beyond the mundane realms.

This is after years of steady practice, advancements, set-backs, distractions, challenges, revelations, etc.  As a father of two boys, employed managing an organic farm, having returned to embodiment in this troublesome carnal matrix, it is clear to me that steady practice, regardless of external circumstances, yields results.  Become proficient in an effective method and experience it yourself.  From that, knowledge arises and doubts are dispelled.

Good luck and best wishes to all. 



💓 3
Replies (8)
    • YogaMurti

      It is rare for a yogi to gain access to an astral location like this. Usually, one does not get beyond the guardians. That is due to bad practices and especially to being indulgent in sensual habits which run contrary to advancement in yoga.

      This place is not in siddhaloka but it is comparable to that place because it was originally established by the deity Avalokeshwara for ascetics who needed to advance further but who could not reach siddhaloka. One cannot reach this place if one has disciples or if one has social friends who accompany one when one tries to transfer to this place. This is a place for single serious ascetics.

      • Beautiful post!

        Nice place to relocate at the end to finish the practice!

        Guardian deity encounter is beautiful! 

        Encouraging post to practice!

        • Thank you for this Yoga Murti! 

          This is very encouraging experience. We appreciate you!

          • Truly amazing! Quite the encouragement!

            • Quote: "This is after years of steady practice, advancements, set-backs, distractions, challenges, revelations, etc.  As a father of two boys, employed managing an organic farm, having returned to embodiment in this troublesome carnal matrix, it is clear to me that steady practice, regardless of external circumstances, yields results."


              Your special and remarkable personal elevation prompts me to inquire further about your efforts to muster spiritual achievement.

              Would you inspire us further with some pointers as to shoring up advancement despite all that comes one’s way in this modern train of life? How do you manage it? What can you share with us? Thank you in advance, and any help will be graciously appreciated.

              • Thank you for the excellent comments and questions.  It is humbling, and as always, I wish everyone the best in their elevation process.  It's not too often I spend with screens, so my input on the site has been limited.  That said, it's very helpful and appreciated to hear of everyone's insights, analysis and experience.

                I was lucky to be born to stable parents and to have crossed paths with Chris Hall who introduced me to Michael, who has thankfully shared the effective techniques.  Despite having a challenging marriage, modest income, and slavery to the various forces of nature, the intent to achieve liberation from incarnation is the foremost driver of my existence.  I practice whenever I can, for however long I can.  At current, I essentially follow the recommended inSelf yoga syllabus and procedure: rise early for exercise and meditation, eat carefully at the proper times, and practice in the evening after work or before sleep.  Being imperfect, I adapt and flex as necessary and continually cultivate dispassion toward activity and achievement, which I feel is a predisposition developed from other lifetimes of effort.  Weekends I may spend 3-5 hours of exercise, meditation and study, if not involved with my two sons physical training and education.  

                Since I removed myself from an inhospitable cohabitation with the mother of my children, and have since lived alone, practice is much more effective in this relative isolation.  However, I still pay all the bills and work like a dog to fulfill my parental obligations. Slowly and carefully I have distanced myself from unproductive social scenarios and people. 

                My answer in summation, if a summation is possible, is to practice at all costs the effective techniques published in Michael's books and any others you may learn. Fate and accumulation of effort from previous existences plays a large part. Accomplishment of goals may or may not happen in this lifetime.  Do not be deterred.

                Beside the efforts and attainments, the challenges to spiritual elevation are ever present. I approach them as a warrior might, traveling the road from nowhere to nowhere, eternally, unimportant.  I detect this density by nature is a dualistic battlefield.   

                Thanks to guruji, and all the yogis and adepts throughout the worlds!



                • Beautiful response!

                  • Disclosure: I just understood that you can only heart the initial post. This was also another heart, not just a thumb up.

                    Most definitely rishi YogaMurty, a qualitative and pondered sharing has clearly its merits. Thank you indeed!The details so kindly offered nearly prosaic, are most succinctly authentic, inspirational as well as positive and encouraging. Each statement constitutes an adherence to the prescribed lifestyle and sustains much admirable outcome.

                    Your contribution is really valuable as it delineates the fundamentals, and expertly depicts not a much established exaltation, but instead there is the exemplar process of an “established yogi in the making”. That gives hope, builds faith and helps in gaining clarity or constancy of consciousness, particularly regarding  the need to adjust and accomodate to providential indications.

                    Given your singular focus on liberation, and the deliberate favorable life choices concerning personal context, one can surmise that along the path too many were the gems to annotate all of them. It is not being redundant to recall that rishi DyanYogi expressed previously “We appreciate you!”.

                    All glories to RishiDeva/ Rishi Madhvacarya!

                    All glories to yogi Christopher Hall/ yogi Kreepamaya!

                    All glories to all rishies and all inSelf Yogins!


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