Comment to 'Astral Dreaming Encounter'
  • Disclosure: I just understood that you can only heart the initial post. This was also another heart, not just a thumb up.

    Most definitely rishi YogaMurty, a qualitative and pondered sharing has clearly its merits. Thank you indeed!The details so kindly offered nearly prosaic, are most succinctly authentic, inspirational as well as positive and encouraging. Each statement constitutes an adherence to the prescribed lifestyle and sustains much admirable outcome.

    Your contribution is really valuable as it delineates the fundamentals, and expertly depicts not a much established exaltation, but instead there is the exemplar process of an “established yogi in the making”. That gives hope, builds faith and helps in gaining clarity or constancy of consciousness, particularly regarding  the need to adjust and accomodate to providential indications.

    Given your singular focus on liberation, and the deliberate favorable life choices concerning personal context, one can surmise that along the path too many were the gems to annotate all of them. It is not being redundant to recall that rishi DyanYogi expressed previously “We appreciate you!”.

    All glories to RishiDeva/ Rishi Madhvacarya!

    All glories to yogi Christopher Hall/ yogi Kreepamaya!

    All glories to all rishies and all inSelf Yogins!