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Abhyāsa Series-2: Twice a Day Practice

Abhyāsa (Sanskrit: अभ्यास):  abhyāsa is one of my favorite words in Sanskrit. It appears in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and also in Bhagavad & Uddhav Gita. 

Abhyasa means Practise in Sanskrit. prounouced as abh-ya-sa



This is a report based on my experience with breath-infusion and samyama.

Once a day practice keeps you afloat but just a matter of time before you get washed away by Prakriti (Nature) forces

Twice a Day practice definitely pushes forward to definite posts.

How to do "Twice a day" practice? Continuum!

  1. It should be a continuum of every session.
    1. Each session is not independent of others, it should be carried from one session to another
    2. Both breath infusion & Mediation sessions are continua, that's when one can see definite progress
  2. Prana will do auto-pilot and we should also use willpower to steer the practice to the next steps.
  3. Grace is the wind that constantly blows on the sail, you don't have any control over it. It is out there!
  4. Mentally or written notes are needed to maintain the continuity towards next session
  5. Do the same kriya or poses day after day and fine-tune with one session after another till it hits the pinaccle


Why is evening practice or Twice a day practice is critical?

Unfornutaley, without the evening practise, I don't see how one can proceed forward to higher goals, because after 24 hours of sleep, the psyche is automatically refreshed or flushes the flash memory of good & bad stuff to a great extent.

in breath infusion, that flash memory is where we have to build on and on with higher experience of Kundalini bliss and mediation experiences till we penetrate the sub-conscious mind's chamber and change the subconscious behavior. Without a change of sub-conscious behavior of subtle, all yoga will become a farce because, in a matter of time, you will revert to the same ill behavior, also when Prakriti strikes you or you stop practicing momentarily, you will go to the same place where you started. I have witnessed this enough, latent defilements have to be cleaned up.  

The vault of the sub-conscious mind chamber is not easily accessible or open to everyone. The subtle body has to be in a certain dimension and the psyche has to be trained to understand the dimension and surgically start operating on it based on the level of access. Even if the grace of Siddha or Deity takes you there one day, what will you do on the other days?

Betting on one-time or few-time wonders is a dangerous bet because someone else is playing for you to win. Instead, take rare experience and study analytically and make it an everyday experience. Some experiences may be haphazard but generally one has to have personalized refined techniques to quickly hit certain dimensions and clean up the psyche.


All the science & technology was grown by making the rare experience into a day-to-day affair. Someone saw thunder in the sky and thinks can we harness such energy without damage and power our homes and benefit humanity, that's how humanity embraced Electricity through countless people's studies with this underlying motivation of making rare to common experience!

The same approach of converting a rare experience into the day to day affair has to be kept in mind for the yogic approach. And this can happen only thru continuous twice-a-day practice!

Some funny pictures but think about it!











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