Comment to 'Zonal Naad Banner Interpretation'
  • Suryananda, Very profound perceptive analysis of naad!

    In my experience, after breath infusion, naad is usually positioned predominantly at the front right top of the subtle forehead. It interchanges with the left side as well and sometimes it penetrates from both sides simultaneously. If the nodes are the same, then I remain attentive to both simultaneously. If not, then attention is given to the louder of the two. Occasionally, it is perceived at the back of the subtle head.

    Naad usually has a constant eeeeee sound, but there are times where it makes a drone sound. I’ve also heard a trumpet sound but this was rare and inconsistent. It just made it infrequently in addition to the drone sound.

    I thought it was odd that naad is predominantly at the front of my subtle head. And have attempted to remain at the back of the subtle head and link with it. But the quality of my meditation improves when I remain at the front.