Comment to 'Reincarnation: Who Is It That Travels?'
  • These may be the verses:

    अर्जुन उवाच

    एवं सततयुक्ता ये

    भक्तास्त्वां पर्युपासते ।

    ये चाप्यक्षरमव्यक्तं

    तेषां के योगवित्तमाः ॥१२.१॥

    arjuna uvāca

    evaṁ satatayuktā ye

    bhaktāstvāṁ paryupāsate

    ye cāpyakṣaramavyaktaṁ

    teṣāṁ ke yogavittamāḥ (12.1)

    arjuna — Arjuna; uvāca — said; evaṁ — thus; satatayuktā = satata—constantly + yuktā — disciplined in yoga; ye — who; bhaktāh — devoted; tvam —you; paryupāsate — they cherish; ye — who; cāpi = ca — and + api — also; akṣaram — imperishable; avyaktaṁ — invisible existence; teṣāṁ — of them; ke — which; yogavittamāḥ — those who have the highest knowledge of yoga

    Arjuna said: Of those who are constantly disciplined in yoga, being also devoted to You, and those who cherish the imperishable invisible existence, which of these two have the highest knowledge of the yoga techniques? (Bhagavad Gita 12.1)


    मय्यावेश्य मनो ये मां

    नित्ययुक्ता उपासते ।

    श्रद्धया परयोपेतास्

    ते.मे युक्ततमा मताः ॥१२.२॥


    mayyāveśya mano ye māṁ

    nityayuktā upāsate

    śraddhayā parayopetās

    te me yuktatamā matāḥ (12.2)

    Śrībhagavān — the Blessed Lord;uvāca — said; mayyāveśya = mayi-on me + āveśya — focusing on: mano = manaḥ — mind; ye — who; māṁ — me; nityayuktā — those who are always disciplined in yoga; upāsate — they worship; śraddhayā — with faith; parayopetās = parayā — with the highest degree; + upetāḥ — endowed; te they; me — to me; yuktatamā — most disciplined; matāḥ — considered

    The Blessed Lord said: Those whose minds are focused on Me, who are always disciplined in yoga, who are always involved in worship of Me, who are endowed with the highest degree of faith, they are considered to be the most disciplined. (Bhagavad Gita 12.2)




    ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यम्

    अव्यक्तं पर्युपासते ।

    सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यं च

    कूटस्थमचलं ध्रुवम् ॥१२.३॥

    ye tvakṣaramanirdeśyam

    avyaktaṁ paryupāsate

    sarvatragamacintyaṁ ca

    kūṭasthamacalaṁ dhruvam (12.3)

    ye — who; tu — but; akṣaram — imperishable; anirdeśyam — undefinable; avyaktaṁ— invisible; paryupāsate — they cherish; sarvatragam — all-pervading; acintyam — inconceivable; ca — and; kūṭastham — unchanging; acalaṁ —- immovable; dhruvam — constant

    But those who cherish the imperishable, undefinable, invisible, all-pervading, inconceivable, unchanging, immovable, constant reality, (Bhagavad Gita 12.3)


    सर्वत्र समबुद्धयः ।

    ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव

    सर्वभूतहिते रताः ॥१२.४॥


    sarvatra samabuddhayaḥ

    te prāpnuvanti māmeva

    sarvabhūtahite ratāḥ (12.4)

    saṁniyamyendriyagrāmaṁ = saṁniyamya — controlling + indriyagrāmaṁ — all sensual energies; sarvatra — in all respects; samabuddhayaḥ — even-minded; te — them; prāpnuvanti — they attain; mām — me; eva — also; sarvabhūtahite = sarvabhūta — all creatures + hite — in the welfare; ratāḥ — rejoicing controlling all sensual energies, being even-minded in all respects, rejoicing in the welfare of all creatures, they also attain Me. (12.4)


    अव्यक्तासक्तचेतसाम् ।

    अव्यक्ता हि गतिर्दुःखं

    देहवद्भिरवाप्यते ॥१२.५॥



    avyaktā hi gatirduḥkhaṁ

    dehavadbhiravāpyate (12.5)

    kleśo — kleśaḥ — exertion; 'dhikataraḥ = adhikataraḥ — greater; tesam — of them; avyaktāsaktacetasām — avyakta — invisible existence + āsakta — attached + cetasām — of minds; avyaktā — invisible reality; hi — truly; gatiḥ — goal; duḥkhaṁ — difficult; dehavadbhiḥ — by the human beings; avāpyate — is attained

    The mental exertion of those whose minds are attached to the invisible existence is greater. The goal of reaching that invisible reality is attained with difficulty by the human beings. (Bhagavad Gita 12.5)