Comment to 'Risks of Astral Samadhi'
  • Rishabha 

    The yogis he was with before went to other dimensions, one by one, according to their particular destinies. They are no longer in a group. As circumstances change in the physical existence, they do too in the astral one in many of the astral locations. If I return to where my body spent childhood, it is unlikely that I will find the friends I had there at that stage of its life.


    Those yogis whom he knew progressed and he did not even though he remained frozen in a stupor samadhi state. He did not develop further and in fact he regressed. Because of the condition of his subtle body now, he will have to assume an embryo to get the subtle body to reconfigure itself. But this is a nature process and it not something that is based on reason or common sense.

    Taking an embryo is not a matter of making a decision to do so. It is based more on the condition of that particular self and how nature responds to it. Even though I was there and could train him in breath infusion, he did not request that and had no interest in me or in that training. The question is: Why?