Comment to 'Risks of Astral Samadhi'
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    Gordon Paterson

    Were you able to help this Yogi? I was once In a similar situation: a state, induced by a small amount of a natural drug, administered by a South American Shaman. There was the usual throwing-up, and then a Samadhi-like trance in which there was no association with anything objective. It was very uncomfortable, took me a day of bed rest to get over the sick feeling.Later on, I mentioned to the Shaman that I couldn't understand why people would go through all the sickness for just a "drug" experience.I felt that I could induce a nice Nirvikalpa Samadhi for myself, without illness, and come from it in great shape, with a marvelous attitude.The Shaman simply said, "These 'practitioners' do not have your experience but are seeking 'out of body' sensations."Your description of the hapless Yogi above, brought back my own memory of seeking some form of "grounding" while under the influence.Always enjoy reading your material. Namaskaram, Nirguna


    Mi~Beloved Reply:

    This yogi could not be helped immediately because his subtle body moved to the southeast from where I was situated, where he was in samadhi for that long period. There was a force which caused his body to move in that direction and it was because before he went into samadhi so long ago, he was in association with some other ascetics who went to higher regions. His subtle body tried to go to their place because it sensed the direction in which they travelled when he was aware before and practiced austerities with them.

    This like when a person who is intoxicated, falls down on a city street because of exhaustion. Then he cannot rise from there due to lack of energy. He falls asleep and then some hours later, he awakens but he does not recall how he assumed a condition of lying on a dirty street. But then by an instinct, he goes confidently in a certain direction as if he knows what he is doing, while in fact, no one whom he knows will be found in that direction.

    However, later he will return. Then he can be advised but the main advice will be regarding where and when he should take another embryo. In that new birth, he will be attracted to yoga practice again and with some subtle guidance and some physical help, he will make the effort again.

    In considering your experience with the natural drug, yes, it is perplexing that nature designed this situation so that it is not easy for someone to enter higher states and see or perceive higher dimensions. But we find that through natural and synthetic substances someone may have transcendence experiences. But that may carry with it negative side effects both physically and psychically.


    • Madhva Wrote: “However, later he will return. Then he can be advised but the main advice will be regarding where and when he should take another embryo. In that new birth, he will be attracted to yoga practice again and with some subtle guidance and some physical help, he will make the effort again.”

      Inquiry: Why is it necessary for this yogi to take rebirth, rather than to learn the breath infusion and ascend? 

      Since he practiced in association with the other ascetics who went to higher regions. Shouldn’t his subtle body be habituated to the same practice he did prior? And thus qualify him to go higher in time?

      As you also mentioned above, his subtle body tried to go in their direction. So it is also interesting that their association wouldn’t be an impetus to go higher.

      • Rishabha 

        The yogis he was with before went to other dimensions, one by one, according to their particular destinies. They are no longer in a group. As circumstances change in the physical existence, they do too in the astral one in many of the astral locations. If I return to where my body spent childhood, it is unlikely that I will find the friends I had there at that stage of its life.


        Those yogis whom he knew progressed and he did not even though he remained frozen in a stupor samadhi state. He did not develop further and in fact he regressed. Because of the condition of his subtle body now, he will have to assume an embryo to get the subtle body to reconfigure itself. But this is a nature process and it not something that is based on reason or common sense.

        Taking an embryo is not a matter of making a decision to do so. It is based more on the condition of that particular self and how nature responds to it. Even though I was there and could train him in breath infusion, he did not request that and had no interest in me or in that training. The question is: Why?

        • This cleared up some confusion, thanks for clarifying.