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Yogis ~ Sexual Attraction

Much of what passes as sexual attraction which is disavowed by yogis and which is condemned by people of a moral bent, is other than sexual and is part of material nature’s reproduction apparatus. To say that it is complicated is to consider the situation soberly and to rid oneself of oversimplification and the tendency to moralize.



In some species, reproduction occurs without sexual interplay. Hence even when there is sexual coupling reproduction is essentially the same and has within its content the same excitement, which people interpret as pleasure experience. Its pleasure feature is superfluous.


An advanced yogi does not perceive material bodies in the same way as others but it is assumed by others that the yogi does. Others feel that what they see is what he perceives and what they conclude is his conclusion except that to their view he may not have the moral caliber and cannot derive the proper conclusion. Such a yogi is a fitting target for resentment and critical assessment.


inSelf Yoga™ is not concerned with moral values as a social means. It is concerned with moral value in terms of the relationship between the coreSelf and its adjuncts whereby there is a betrayal of the adjuncts which do everything but serve the elevation of the core.


The real breach of morality is within the psyche, whereby the kundalini prostitutes itself to the intellect, which needs the association of the kundalini and thus is prejudiced to it. In turn the intellect prostitutes itself to the sense of identity which needs the intellect for perception and justification. These may be regarded from one angle as conspiracy. From another it is wholesale corruption within the psychological container which we experience as a composite self.


The sexual attractions are reduced to being facilities for rebirth, not pleasure accesses. The pleasure is there and cannot be denied but the yogi sees pass that and estimates the reproduction quotient. It is that faculty which is a danger to the yogi.


A yogini may consider it in this way:

Attraction to a male which seems to be sexual to the average person will in time, if it develops even over many lifetimes, result in a rebirth through that male person.


For yogis, the same applies in reference to sexual attraction to a female. The sexual attraction is not the flow of the energy. It is not the final conveyance. Reproduction is. In the long term, the attraction will develop into a mandatory rebirth opportunity.


Those moralists who feel they understand what takes place in the mind an advanced yogi, should do self-examination to determine if their conclusions are consistent with this.


Mere renunciation of sex desire does not free anyone from the cycle of birth and death. But capture of reproduction energy and insight about it, will lead to the resistance needed for preventing one from converting into an embryo.


In all directions, in every species, the reproduction feature is the sponsor of sexual difference and development. Hence reproduction is the overarching feature, not sex pleasure.


Those who crave the pleasure, those who appear to be indifferent to it and those who abhor it, are all under the spell of the reproductive feature from which the pleasure is derived. Hence the pleasure has little to do with it.

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