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Yogi Turns to Death

A yogi should wait for death to approach and then make the decision to turn away from life. Modern people pride themselves in facing terminal diseases with an I-will-fight-this-to-the-bitter-end attitude but a yogi should be different. At some point he or she should face up to the impending closeout of this life. Better to walk to meet death, then to wait and be forced by it to abandon what one developed here.


Suppose one resists the approaching death of the body, then what?

What will happen when in fact one is forced to abandon the body and leave everything behind?

Where will one be then?


People may give great eulogies at one’s funeral.

They may create wonderful epitaphs on one’s tombstone.

They may publish annual notices to remind everyone of one’s life achievements?

But after death, what happened to the person whom they recall?


Where is he or she?

What enterprise is that person developing in the some other place hereafter?


Why not turn away from life during life?

Why not face death during life?

Why not begin developing one’s interested on the other side during life on this side?


Ready to travel?

Is your suitcase packed?

Are your travel documents in order?

Did you close your bank account in the departing country?


Did you establish an account in the arriving location?

Replies (1)
    • From LinkedIN:


      • MariaElena Cusick Die before you die

      • Maha Milan Jovanovic

        Maha Milan Jovanovic doesn't matter dead or alive

      • Sandra Zuidema, Yoga Author

        Sandra Zuidema, Yoga Author No time to waste when uncovering the perfected being that is covered by life trappings, because in the end is where we begin.

      • David Sandercott

        David Sandercott I think I would say make sure you Live before you Die ...This is Great advice

      • rajeev doi

        rajeev doi Sir wat do mean by death ?first we must know ,understand life.everthing will be revealed.

      • Peter Pugh

        Peter Pugh Death is a Counsellor
        a Companion so
        Confuse him not
        with the Disdain
        of your Trust and Hope
        Corrupted by others’ imperatives
        Accept his timely touch and
        thus recalled to the Golden Ebb
        in the Soul’s Mysterious Ocean
        { But one of my poems on the subject :) }

      • Natasha Sequeira

        Natasha Sequeira Death of the ego is what most yogis are trying to attain. not death of their physical life. die before you die means die to the false self. the ego that didn.t serve you well. Die to your old subconscious anxieties and karmic rubbish. and you.ll see you didn.t die at all. you came alive and found your authentic self.

      • Paul Greenbaum

        Paul Greenbaum Face death during life absolutely, but turn away from life? If you can't live to the fullest while still in the body, what makes one think they can do it in the afterlife?

      • Michael Beloved

        Michael Beloved Paul,
        You have a point but please consider that at a certain point either willingly or unwilling one will have to turn away from life. So long as the body is in good health the confidence about life is justified but my opinion and I stand by it, is that this confidence should at a certain point be invested in whatever will be left of the person in the afterlife. And if there is no afterlife, then sure, let us stick it out with this physical life even after the body reaches a terminal conclusion, because that would make sense under that condition.

        People migrating to a foreign land would be wise, I am sure you agree, to put their attention on what life will be like in that other country. I doubt that you would advise them to continue thinking of the place which they are about to vacate, and that they are foolish to even think of the conditions in the new place.

        Wishing you well!

      • Michael Beloved

        Michael Beloved At some point one should turn away from the old life, let history go its way, face the new life wherever that will be. One can willingly turn or be forced to do that by the inevitable fate of the physical body. Life is wonderful but a person's participation here is biologically and astronomically clocked. No one will be allowed to hog this history forever, if anything it will be for about 100 years at most.

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