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Yogi ~ Reason for the Material Body

All students of inSelf Yoga™ should figure why and on the basis of whom, the present material body was assumed. If one fails to do this before the time of being shoved out of the body, then it would mean that one did not advance enough to even consider not taking another such body haphazardly.


A student of this yoga should also distance himself (herself) from the idea that he or she would quit the body at death. One should not imitate those lofty self-confident self-assured gurus who say that they will quit their bodies at will at death.


Do not indulge in self-foolishness. You are not going to quit the body. It will be to the contrary, where the body will fail you, will quit you and leave you without a physical address which currently is the body itself. Your astral form will be out of a hideout when this physical body dies. Then more than likely, you will want to get into a woman’s passage again so that you can hideout again in the embryo which forms in her system. Please be realistic about this and stay far from phony gurus who try to pain a different picture, one which subsidizes their lack of confidence in the death-to-birth process of material nature.



The questions to be answered by the student are:


  • To whom was I attracted to the most for taking this physical body?


  • What was my spiritual objective in taking this form?


  • What were the social levies put on by material nature as a tax for me getting the new body?




These are very important questions which the student is required to answer satisfactorily and truthfully so that the self can review its behavior-profile just before taking the next body.


Please be realistic with me and admit that you will more than likely be taking another body. Please do not indulge in any fantasy about going to a spiritual kingdom or a kingdom of God or a spiritual world or any phantasmagoria like that. Even if these places exist your chance of going there is just about nil. Hence intelligence in this case is that you prepare for what is likely and stop daydreaming fantasies.


I will give some assistance with these queries:


  • To whom was I attracted to the most for taking this physical body?


There must be some primary attraction before one takes a material body. That is, an attraction to a specific person in the birth environment. That person may not be the mother or father but might be a relation of a parent, or friend of a parent or someone who is not related to the parent at the time of birth but who for sure would surface later as a primary influence. This person may or may not be a spiritually realized soul.


Usually this person would bestow the incoming child with social assets which prove to be valuable in the quest for status which is an ongoing in human society. What would anyone be but an animal, if he or she as a human being was not in some format of status to distinguish itself from at least being a basis animal?


  • What was my spiritual objective in taking this form?


In some cases, but not in all, the person who is to be the child of parents, has some spiritual objective, whereby there is a plan which becomes subconscious, for achieving certain spiritual vision by using the new material body in a way which affords development of that spiritual interest. It is hardly likely that the person will achieve that objective because the odds are against such achievement but it is desirable for the person to at least know what that idea was. Then the person can gage the strength and counterbalance of material nature’s negative psychic influence and then readjust his or her planning so that it is more practical in the next life.


  • What were the social levies put on by material nature as a tax for getting the new body?


There are many gurus, spiritual teachers and preachers who publicize that once a person joins the religious sect, accept the human authority of the sect and accept the deity of the sect, if it has one, then that convert will not have to deal with any hindrances of material nature. This is a farce but it sells repeatedly to naive human beings.


There is only one way to eradicate the social levy which was applied as a tax for getting a body from material nature. That is to pay the levy. And it must be paid by the said person for the most part, even though some little assistance from others may be tolerated by material nature.


A student of this inSelf Yoga™ should know for certain that he or she must pay the levy. The sooner it is paid, the better the student will be, and the freer the student will be to become proficient with spiritual practice. Otherwise material nature will doggedly interfere with the practice and cause the student to stagnate or regress.


Part of this yoga is insight. It is not just a matter of having spiritual experiences during practice, or of reading books like Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras, the student must be developing insight into the truth of this reality and should adopt an attitude of submission to the way material nature operates and not live in a fantasy of guru or deity magic which will just not be in reality.


This yoga, if it has any worth should give the student insight into what to do to pay off the levy as quickly as possible.

Replies (1)
    • Usually one will behave in a crazy way as a child because of not having prepared to become a child again in the previous life. In this usage crazy means trying to do what one did as an adult with adult privileges in the previous body. It does not matter what one did as an adult, if it was criminal or praiseworthy, if it was materialistic or spiritual, if in the new body as an infant and adolescent, one does not automatically suppress adult tendencies, then it means that one left the last body without preparation to become someone’s infant again.


      This type of irrational behavior affects both religious and irreligious, spiritual and materialistic people, just the same. They all come in to a new body with this cocksure posture that they are bigwigs but they can little explain how a bigwig is unable to wipe his own bottom and feed his own face.


      One must in some way develop an instinct to be a subordinate, to be submissive to those persons who will raise one’s body until it is able to fend for oneself as a useful adult in society.


      Many of us carry this arrogant streak where we feel as infants that our parents or guardians owe us this or that. This is because of a lack of insight into the way and means of transmigration.


      Before being shoved out of the present adult body, one should preset the mind in a way where it begins to assume the posture of a submissive dependent child. Actually nature tries to do this to you by introducing brain, limb and organ malfunction, so that you can understand that your adult insignia is meaningless and that you will resume a child position as a little scruff, who cannot read or write but who only has a voice for protesting, objecting and crying.


      Understanding this beforehand, before leaving this adult body, I can prepare myself. I can bend down my attitude and assume a lowly position which is similar to the one I will be in when I take the next body.


      But if in contrast, I continue with the bigwig attitude, then when I do get the next body, I will raise cane with my parents or guardians, give them much resistance and back talk, not be appreciative of their services and add to the mass of childhood dissatisfaction which is in humanity.


      When do you think it is reasonable for an adult to begin to scale down his or her self-conception, to reduce his or her image of the self as adult? Should it be at 100 years of age, at 90 years of age, at 60 years of age, when?


      Or should the person just not think about that and should aim for no rebirth and a full life in some real or imagined spiritual place or state? Are you cocksure about the Christian heaven, or about Krishna’s world, or about Vaikuntha or Shiva’s world or the Islam paradise or Nordic Valhalla?


      Well, if you are, why worry?

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