Yogi and Breasts
A yogini who is resident on occasion at Yogeshwarananda’s astral ashram, one named Nilaganga, met me astrally to complain about an advanced yogi who approached her with a request to suckle her breasts. I was a bit surprised that this yogi was interested in doing this but I did not have a reply for the yogini, except to say that I would query the yogi about it.
The problem with this type of request is that the nurturing tendency is packed with the reproductive urge which has an aggressive pleasure aspect in it. It is near impossible to sort the nurturing feature from the reproductive urge. That urge also has two features which are inexorably combined like the strands of a cord. At every part there is the wrapping such that at no place will one find one strand without the other. Any interference in one has effects on the other.
If a yogi makes contact with the nurturing tendency, if that is his singular interest, it will be dangerous for him because nature does not recognize that tendency as being distinct and apart from the reproductive urge and its offshoot, the sexual pleasure.
Of course, we find that children may suckle their mothers with the nurturing feature remaining in isolation without it invoking the reproduction feature and the sexual pleasure spread. But it is also a fact that when an infant suckles its mother, that action may cause sexual arousal in the parent.
When I met the yogi in the astral existence and questioned him about the yogini’s complaint, he said that his only interest was the nurturing feature. His statement was that even though he reached an advanced level in yoga practice, still the need to be nurtured remained in his psyche. He claimed that the reproductive and sexual pleasure aspects are absent and there was no possibility that it would convert to the sexual pleasure feature.
I told him however that the yogini was offended by his request. Her opinion was that in her psyche the breasts are simultaneously feature nurturing and erogenous zones, where the two features are mixed to such a degree that an arousal of one, immediately causes a strike or urge of the other.
When I met the yogi again, I explained the situation. I give a suggestion that he should find another yogini who had the features isolated in her psyche or one in which the sexual pleasure feature was absent. He did not like the idea. He replied like this, “I did search for someone. I could not find that type of female ascetic. The more important consideration is that I need to do it to someone to whom I am attracted, as one would be attracted to a mother. Then I can study the need for nourishment in my psyche and get to the bottom of it.”
At this point, I was stern with him. I said, “Do not approach this lady again. Find someone else. There is someone else. This person is a disagreeable. That must be respected.”