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Video / The West - Economics

Replies (1)
    • This wasn’t business as usual, there is nothing normal going at any level, anywhere! He managed to single handedly f** it up, so thoroughly in such a brief amount of time. Extraordinary like that guy said. There need to pay attention to every sector of society.

      The critical thing is that 124 Trillions have been borrowed against the future to pay for essential american amenities such as SS. But in addition to a debt of over 1T, there is no hesitation to heavily put money in militaristic development well above and beyond total of several advanced nations even considering China and Russia.

      In order for there to be as stated a greater health distribution in the US, somehow I believe that the elimination of the electoral college would be necessary. Because, as per George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the animals are able to see what’s in their interest and militate for it. As it stands American are easily duped by their leaders, who offer moving targets in order to continue exploiting the masses. So It’s a long discussion really.

      Infrastructure of course! As he says. I say, well you mean as promised? LOL. But look at China they are boldly and intensively expanding the new silk road, called the Belt and Road Initiative in Africa, Europe, Asia but also right here in South America, and for some time now, even during Obama. Anyways, at this point it needs to be no bar holds! The extent of the transformations that have been ignited are too intensive and pervasive to be properly assessed and understood from just one industry or discipline.

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