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Video / Kundalini Yoga using Reverse Neck-Lock

Be careful with the backward neck lock. Only do that when you are fully internalized, where your attention has a grasp on the aroused kundalini and the accumulated breath energy.

Do not hold your breath just as an atletic feat. After some sequences of breaths, hold breath with appropriate locks and manage/observe the distribution of accumulated compressed breath energy. When you sense that this energy is just about to be totally distributed, begin another series of breaths.

If you hold the breath beyond that point it is likely that you will lose control of the body, which means that it will fall to the ground. This happens because if you hold the breath beyond the point of its total distribution, the kundalini will switch to intake carbon dioxide from the blood stream and that will cause a negative influence or stupor to occur.


Replies (2)
    • In the last paragraph, thank you for describing jada samadhi in such clear and technical terms, as well as why to avoid pressurizing the subtle system beyond the point where the life force would gasp in the course of the practice for carbon dioxide. I consider this a highly subtle detail that is otherwise generally taken as lack of sufficient elevation, or imputed solely on a system that is overly charged in carbon dioxide. 

      One point to mention at my level is that, the avoidance of the point of more than sufficient compressions and distributions can be tricky to always detect, and as I recall with more time practicing that will be easier to do. But ultimately, it is a cautionary indication, backed with technical explanation regarding overcharging the subtle system, while not advanced enough to make use of it. It seems counterproductive to do so.

      For assistance, as I am still working towards greater “control” and/ or channelling of built up energizing, while exercising the reverse neck lock, I feel the need to pay particular attention to the neck as normally, but to still tighten along the pulled up curved upper part of the neck. It is very similar to normal neck lock, but different muscle groups of the neck are stressed on.

      In regular neck lock, the simple fact of tucking the chin close-in to the neck already provides a restriction as to the haphazard flow of the life force, that implicit action will not be present in the reverse neck lock leaving the area of the Adam apple vulnerable unless tightened up with more and broader muscular participation of the neck.  

      Towards the end, as energy accumulated in the subtle body, I could detect that the chest area was more readily charged from applying the reversed neck-lock as opposed to regular forward one. The reverse neck-lock seems to bring more attention to the upper chest for me as well as the back by the shoulder blades, that is not really the case in the regular lock.

      And, then through the lock, the energy expressed in warm pixelated display perceptible right by the intellect organ. But since I was sitting on the hills with toes curled under following the video, it was in a comfortable position to raise the life force energy in.

      • When the reverse neck lock is applied proficiently, one also applies mental attention locks which are effective in the subtle body. This is more about subtle body kundalini yoga, as compared to physical body kundanlini yoga. This includes feelings surcharge and compression, real pranic energy, as the yogi moves away from a physical body practice which is necessary in the beginning, but which gradually fades as one advances.

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