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Video / How Amazon Convinced Millions of People to Welcome “Listening Devices” Into Their Homes | FRONTLINE


Replies (2)
    • This gives insight into how nature keeps track of everything. This is already happening even though we do not realize it. Amazon is only mimicking what nature is doing.

      In yogic meditation, one realizes that this happens all the time, twenty four seven.

      There is the story of the guru who sent a boy disciple to kill a chicken. Now mind you they were brahmins. They are not allowed to do that under any circumstance. HOwever the boy went deep into a forest and when he was confident no one could observe it, he killed the chicken.

      When he got back to the ashram, the guru asked him aboiut the chicken and in the presence of the other disciples, the boy explained how he did it, pointing out that for sure nobody was around.

      Soon after this, the guru selected another boy to kill another chicken. This boy took the chicken and headed out to do the deed in a remote place. Eventually searching and searching the boy came to the conclusion that it would be impossible to kill the animal and not be observe by someone or something. He returned to the ashram. Before everyone he told the guru that he could find no one where someone or something was not observing his action and hence he did not kill the chicken.

      The guy then called the first boy and sent him away from the ashram, saying that this boy was not sensitive enough to be a brahmin. He congratulated the second boy and invited him to learn more at the ashram.

      At least with the Amazon device, there is some control over what it does and one can see it physically and know that it is eavesdropping. With nature how would anyone know when it is listening and what it will do with the information and when. In which life will it re-use the information? With whom will it be shared?

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