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video / Future of Society?

When he looks of to the side, he looks into the intellect mirror to see if he can find what he needs as memories to construct his conversation. He does this regularly; but of course, usually one does not know that one does this when one does this.

When he is talking looking forward, he is also seeing through the intellect but then it is supplying the memories in rapid fire rather than him have to request them and then wait a second or two to get them.

He discusses where the world is going and he has some important insights. Is he a good guy considering the millions he is worth and the billions perhaps he made?

Why did he get the opportunities? Is he just a mold which found itself in a favorable environment and grew and grew and grew?


Replies (4)
    • Not sure exactly where his opportunities came from, but his dad got him that first summer intern job at Wall Street, while still a teenager. That is most definitely a great help.

      Otherwise, to me, more like "other molds", just taking advantage of the environment and overgrowing. He didn't convey much specialness from the parts that I took time to watch, neither did he delve deeply into the supposed topic "An upcoming Job Crisis?" 

      Most of the piece narrates his personal business ventures, as such it is understandable that he'd frequently access memory banks as he coordinates with the intellect to tell a coherent story.

      It would be lifetimes before Trump can coherently and successfully do anything remotely close as a mental exercise/ effort in talking about even any random thing. In this case, the coordinations between the involved spheres of data and processing organ follow a wildly formatted pattern, that is out of the normal range of wiring!

      Although I have used these two individuals for this reply they are not out of the ordinary regarding their subtle mental processing, or the head start in opportunities they were bestowed by their fathers, and providence. 

      • The last part is where he discusses the upcoming job crisis but in relation to those around 48 years of age, rather than youngsters. His opinions on that and his admittance of the need for education of those persons is spot on, even though it seems to be some sort of fun thing for him to help to set that education system going. Seems like he was amused by the fact that this happened where the digital race displaced and will continue to displace many people.

        He has a blind spot which is that life gave him certain ideal opportunities which other people just do not have and he does not see that because his rear view mirror just cannot access that.  UNFORTUNATELY!

        • Comments on interview: Both of these guys live in an unreal world that is based on unnatural assumptions. They are both smart within their world, but live in a way that makes insight more difficult. Roy’s success comes from the fact that he is a master of crony capitalism, not because he did anything of real value. His activities, like those of the other leading Wall Street idols, is nothing more than rearranging patterns of ownership of capital. Unfortunately, these masters of manipulation are heroes to political leaders. They are revered and consulted as in this interview. This promotes their image as models for young people. The so-called education that they describe has little to do with reality and centers mostly on man-made money arrangements. And these capitalistic arrangements have hypnotized most of the world at the moment and make it almost impossible to solve real problems like the fact that the planet is poisoning itself.


          There is a third intellect filter that he must run his responses through in addition to the two that you mentioned. It’s the self-esteem filter. Every time that he speaks he has to consider how his words are going to affect the listener to make sure that he will seem heroic. It used to be called bragging, but now it’s acceptable enough to elect a president. Not only that, but his hero is Michael Milken, a convicted felon. And he confesses that, when he ran a media company, he knew that what they presented to the public as data was actually “bull shit.” He says this confidently knowing that this admission will advance his public image; an excellent example of the world we now live in. 


          His insight on the subject of what the future holds are real. But his underlying motivation is to perpetuate the capitalist system rather than to deal with the future by real change.



          • Great assessment Tobe, thanks!

            In terms of inSelf Yoga™ where would he begin?

            How could he be shown that he uses the intellect as a sort of social calculator and that this is an unwanted addiction?

            Really, it is an internal problem of the coreSelf against the adjuncts like the kundalini and intellect. On that plane of existence the external trappings have absolutely no meaning and simply hide the real issues which is lack of mind control because the core is being kicked around like a football by the adjuncts.

            How can he step out of the theatre and leave the show to go on with other actors because the way this is there will always be a show playing?

            Remember the old Hebrew idea of the Good Shepherd. He is that except that it is a cover where the sheep are fooled into thinking that because he is gracious enough to keep the knife under his leather jacket.

            But the sheep too are playing the same game. They too are cores being kicked around by the kundalini and intellect.

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