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Tīrtha Series-2: Kalighat Temple

February 7, 2022, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Definition of tīrtha:

tirtha, (Sanskrit: “crossing” or “river ford”) in Hinduism, a holy river, mountain, or other place made sacred through association with a deity or saint.

taken from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/tirtha

Definition of Sacred:

  1. dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deitydevoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose)
  2. worthy of religious venerationentitled to reverence and respect

taken from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sacred


 Here is the link to Tirtha Series Master Database

Overview of Calcutta: 


I was in Kolkata for my immigration stuff and I decided to see around Kolkata.

Kolkata is the new official name from 2001, before it used to be called as Calcutta.


Some big names from that city are

  1. Swami Vivekananda (Very Big Astral influence)
  2. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (Big Astral influence)
  3. Mother Teresa
  4. Yogananda Paramahamsa
  5. Rabindranath Tagore (Literature Nobel Prize Winner 1913)
  6. Subash Chandra Bose (Indian Freedom fighter, Very Big Astral Influence of that city, Received Kriya yoga initiation from Lahiri Baba students) 

Calcutta is a potent city, big names have come from there. Each part of the city is astrally ruled by some of these above mentioned big names or other equivalent figures or deities or Victorian era entities, their influence is very easily felt.


Sadly, the city is lost back in British colonial times (got independence in 1947), it looks like the city has not moved a bit from 1940s. Some places are like 1940s, some are froze in 1960s and some temple streets they look like 1850s. Overall, the astral influence and the beings are not moving the clock in those places, they are stuck back in time and they are completely fine and in harmony with it. There is an extraordinary poverty and social balance of some sort in same time.


Kalighat Temple:


India - West Bengal - Kolkata - Kalighat Temple - 6 | Flickr




This Wikipedia link is more than enough to explain about the history of the temple, read the about Shaktipeet and right toes of Sati fell in this region.


I will explain the not-so explained or subtle activities, I picked up in those places.


This is a pretty strong temple, not for weak hearted. This temple is devoted to Kali deity (as shown below). 



Physical Dimension of temple:


I visited the temple with my wife on Feb 7th, 2022. Physically and astrally, this temple is lost in time by several centuries. In physical dimension, you can say it was lost around 1850s or even earlier, astrally you can see not a single modern or medieval structure. I would say around 500 - 1000 AD.


Extreme poverty around the temple and the old city, it breaks my heart to see this level of poverty. Even for a person raised in third world country, I have seen the rough of the rough side and still the poverty levels are extreme. Once you enter the temple area, the people use every technique to squeeze the money out of your pocket.


They will say Kali will curse or cut you off if you don't buy flowers or coconuts or sweets from them, I would just smile and walk away looking at the commerce show running there in the name of Kali. I have seen plenty of this in my life, so not new to me. I would have bought but I was travelling constantly to other places and I did not want to carry lot of things in hand. Leaving the footwears before entering the temple was another big challenge, you can leave footwear only if you buy stuff from their shops, ultimately I found a spot to leave it somewhere.


Now, entering the temple:


There are local guides or some unemployed youth hanging inside the temple claiming as the owners and people who know priest. Now, you can't escape hereafter, they will heckle you until you accept their services. I accepted it, they wanted $3 or 200 Rupees, that's some money in India unlike here. He cut the line and took me to the priest directly and to give me darshan or view of the deity installed in the temple. now priest is demanding 8 dollars or 500 rupees cash to let me super close to deity or even touch. I first did not hold so much cash in the fear of being robbed and I did not want to pay another 500 rupees for seeing deity from 3 feet to 1 feet. I already saw, the priest was cursing and swearing at me for 5 minutes for not paying that 500 rupees in front of Kali, still I did not pay and smiled, he got annoyed and wanted Kali to cut my head off, I laughed and left there. 

Hindu Temples: Calcutta Kaali Shakti Peetham in Kalighat


When I walked out from that deity premise, 30 ft from that premise inside the very temple, there is an open sacrifice place of cutting goats and other animals. Thy were cutting and blood was all over that place, I knew but I did not peek for more information of gory incidents. As you cross that open sacrifice inside the temple premise, you will see a butcher place, butcher cutting the goats and removing the organs, again very inside the temple. they cook and offer the meat to deity there. It is a common practice in these deity temples, even in other parts of India like Southern side it is widely practiced for certain Gods. 


Now, I know why people were bringing black goats to the temple when I entered. I am putting here a black and white picture from internet, the latest color picture is too much to handle for weak hearts and I don't recommend it. Behind the sacrifice place is the butcher place, you can see in the picture.


Goat Sacrifice - Kalighat Temple - Calcutta - India — Calisphere


There is a small pond nearby, the youth dragged me there in a hurry and the pandits were pleading for money to celebrate some pooja or celebration for Kali, I smiled knowing this trick. He then revealed that times are tough due to Covid and any help will be appreciated, he was quite old and spoke very good English (in that area) and he was honest, I gave some money. If he tried to spin lies, I would not have budged because then he would get even more motivated to try it on other people.


Kalighat Kali Mandir


Aerial View of Temple:


Motherlodes of Power: The story of India's 'Shakti Peethas'- The New Indian  Express



Astral Dimension of Kalighat:


After 3 months, while I was meditating after breath infusion, I astral sensed this Kalighat location. I was able to scan thru that temple premise and neighborhood location streets sitting in North Carolina and Houston.


Close to that temple, there is Adi Ganga (Ganga tributary, ganges rives keeps changing its flow pattern with time). I could not go to Adi Ganga when I was there physically because I have to walk there and it was getting late.


But in samyama, I was given access to see those areas, I was scanning from an aerial view thru my Third eye-Buddhi Orb apparatus as viewing mechanism sitting in North Carolina (hard to say which one I used, they are in telescopic manner).


Astrally, I saw a burial ground near Adi Ganga river bank or shore which is like half a mile away from Kalighat temple and there I saw Kali the deity. She is standing there !



This what I saw:

  1. the disheveled hair
  2. dark or black medium sized body
  3. no crown on her head or any ornaments
  4. she is not interested in wearing any robes or ornaments
  5. But she had a garland of skulls or human parts (but she made it blur or foggy to my vision, so I don't get spooked)
  6. She was aware that I was seeing from a distance like 300 ft. and she gave me access to be seen
  7. She was neutral or in disinterested mood just standing there (she was neither angry nor happy, just calm-neutral)
  8. She did not have weapons when I saw her nor she did not reveal it to me
  9. She had 2 main hands, I did not see 2 other hands in the back but you know it is there but she did want to reveal it.

The Kali deity I saw astrally is very similar or almost exact to the picture.


She graciously hid her weapons and other gory things as I would have been scared or spooked. This neutral posture, I take it as a benevolence or kindness to this weak hearted with folded hands.


Kali | ferrebeekeeper


I did not want to go into so much details, I tried to push this article around for sometime.

But the astral energy today is so overwhelming that I was forced to write this up, as it kept flashing in my mind again and again, so I am releasing myself from that energy by compiling this article.

Replies (3)
    • Very intense experience in a special environment dealing with some strong energies, and rendered with advanced pertinent details.

      Where live forms are sacrificed such energies or forces are attracted and aggregated in order to form a centrifugal area that can attract specific deities or (demi) gods.

      Such practices are pervasive in African traditional religious belief systems. They take different forms as the populations migrated throughout the diaspora which anthropologically includes India.

      In the Americas, it is known as voodanism and prevalant in Cuban Yoruba practice (from African slaves). It is also called dark magic. There are different types, colors or hues of magic. In Europe it had become associated in past ages with practices that are now adapted as wiccanism (also derogatorily designated as witchcraft).

      The Ancient Americans have been studied and revealed to have practiced human sacrifice. One can only imagine why they would go to such length. The energy accumulated though dark is obviously compelling in its power.

      I didn't read the article in its entirety, but I concur that writing it and further sharing it can help alleviate it's weight on one's psyche. As a nonadvanced yogi, I'd automatically adjust my optical perception to the exposure in order to try to filter the intake into the psyche (consciousness), and ultimately gauge my limits in the course of the exposure. And proceed to a tactical protective withdrawal from the area as soon as warranted. Otherwise, consciousness is affected. It needs to be shielded accordingly.

      • Even though Paramhansa Ramakrishna was a devotee of Ma Kali and described her in a way which causes other persons to want to be in her association, generally speaking yogis do not flock to her association. Ramakrishna is not to be imitated or followed for that matter, unless he specifically appears to some yogi and assumes a spiritual teacher role and becomes responsible for that yogi’s progress.


        What is it if as an infant, I am sucking every woman’s breast whom I see in the market one day? What is it if when I am left aside in a trolley, every woman who passes by has pity on me, exposes her nipple and shoves it into my mouth?

        Would it be worse? Would it be better, if only my mother breast-fed me?


        My read out is that Kali was produced from Durga when there was the episode and challenge to Durga for killing Mahishasura. And Kali had a killing job to do. Yes, she is mother but so is Durga and so is Lakshmi and so is Sarasvati and others like Ganga. Why then would any yogi want to be Kali’s child. And if that is the case, then why hesitate? Just be her child and be done with it.


        Read about Kali from the original source which is the Devi Purana. Find out how she first appeared and what her job is. I feel from what I read so far that it is not to help yogis. She is there to deal with males who disrespect and abuse females and so goes so far as to drink their blood. Is that the kind of mother a yogi wants? Why should a yogi push the Devi Purana aside and just read about the goddess on the basis of some nice talks by Ramakrishna?


        Some kids have a policewoman for mother, others have a secretary for mother, others have a teacher for mother. It depends. If the father is a butcher, then of course one will go to a butcher’s room every day but another child may never see such a place.


        A yogi should keep a respectable distance from the ghastly deities like Kali, Kalabhairava, ChinnaMasta and others, regardless of male or female. Respect should be there but distance as well. This applies too to Kali Yuga Devata and Dvapara Yuga Devata.


        There is a supernatural woman, death personified., Once I saw her. It is not that I went looking for her. But I saw her, maybe by accident. I happen to be in a dimension where she was located. I offered respects but I got out of there as soon as I could. She noticed me but she was not in a good mood but in her eyes, there was this, get out of my way kid, I am busy now. I will return to take you later, attitude.


        That was her message. A real bad ass person. Which yogi wants to see her but all the same which yogi in his right mind wants to offend her if she is seen? Does she care about anyone’s yoga practice? I doubt it.


        What is Kali Ma’s interest in some yogi who assumes that because she was gracious to Ramakrishna, her own child, she will be interested like that in some other male ascetic?

        • True, I was checked by Kali deity.

          Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has given me the access to Kali deity.

          But that does not change my relationship with the deity, she was checking me from distance on the pornographic energy in my psyche and wants me to clean it up.

          Kali is the guardian deity for females, she punishes the wrong-doer against women in any form or fashion, even in subtle world.

          Madhva helped me understand the compelling energy, it was not for publishing, it was for my psyche clean up for such bad energy and tendencies.

          Nevertheless, Kali and Ramakrishna were fond of each other like mom and child, that shows how pure his psyche was and how mine is! Also, his personal relationship with her!

          Lot of other good information in that article and Kali deity came for me to give a check or pre-warning and also let me have a darshan (vision of her) due to Ramakrishna grace. 

          Invoking Kali comes with his own terms and conditions!

          Everybody is not Ramakrishna to her eyes and will not be !

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