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Todays Meditation Experience

Thoughts were flowing ... so I just let them flow. I did not try to stop the thoughts, which is my natural way. I just walked in my internal world. Deep inside... and then went for reaching up to super consciousness. I was able to see different bodies.. different bodies of mine. Each body was doing something, something different. All bodies were in different space and time. I just start to see the main body.. that was controlling all other bodies. There was orange / golden energies flowing all over. The controlling body starts to give me some energies. I started to feel good. I removed my problematic and negative energies from my body... it was very nice experience.

Replies (2)
    • Manish, It is not clear as to if the observer in this case, was the main body or was not the main body, or was in a location other than the main body. Also please clarify the first part with the thoughts flowing. Is it that in your mind the thoughts can flow independent of the observing self? Will the thoughts continue to flow if the observing self is totally unaware of them, which would prove that they can flow even if there is no attention, not the slightest attention from the observing self? It is important to clarify this. Please do another meditation or more meditations if you need time to answer this.
      • During my meditation session, thoughts and images were appearing. My objective was to look at the issues in my body, since there is some issue in my belly button area. Etching and red skin.. with some uncomfortable pain. Etching was started months ago, and later on skin redness. Some kind of infection. I am taking the medicines but problem is not eliminated. I am thinking that it has some spiritual connection or some energy level issue. I feel some black energies near my naval chakra.

        I am trying to remove those negative energies and self healing of my body. This is the prime objective of my meditation these days.

        As per your guidance, I again meditate today... with the objective of knowing what was the experience yesterday. 

        I again went to the point where I left yesterday... I found the control point. A central sphere ... which was basically my higher self. The sphere was spinning with golden energies...and different life forms of mine was attached with it in different space time. What I observed is that this sphere has forgot the purpose ... forgot the purpose of its existence.  Its just doing its job endlessly like perceptual motion machine. I came to the conclusion that somewhere I have lost in the universe... doing things endlessly. The main purpose of existence is not present, even in my higher self. It was my self as a central generator, as per my yesterday's thought that it was subconsciousness, but super consciousness was beyond that. I feel that I was separated from super consciousness, and lost my objective in this universe.



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