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Tobe Terrell ~ Dead or Alive

August 22, 2022

Yes, I was questioned for a few months now about Tobe Terrel (Tejas Yogi), my friend and fellow seeker, from Gainesville, Florida, a man who did much for many of the crazies in this world.

People want to know if he is still alive and not kicking because he was gentle with so many people. It is easy to tell if someone is still alive if you are accustomed to seeing his violent action but if he was a pacifist, it is not so easy to know if he is still living.

The whole thing about people asking me about Tobe is disgusting for the most part because I get the feeling that most of these inquiries come from people who want Tejas Yogi to remain in good health on the physical side.

Nobody called to say that they were happy that Tejas Yogi would be soon be a freeman on the subtle side. No one asked anything about the health of his subtle body.

My question is this:

If you are driving at high speed with totally worn-out tires and you won’t slow down, then what is the point in answering your cell phone. If you do you will be in a worse condition if there is a blowout.

Tejas Yogi should slow down so that it takes less focus on the physical side and then he can increase his focus on the subtle side, while those old tires wear thin just before the blow out.

Conversely, he could just pull over, park the old jalopy, and wait for it to blow out because it will do that even if he parks it, but then it may take longer for it to reach its end.

So, what is Tejas Yogi’s current condition on the physical side?

Hospice care, which means the medical professionals considered what his insurance policy was worth (zero dollars which doesn’t help a capitalistic society) and then they gave him up for dead.

Colostomy bag installed, which means that his backend (muffler) has a totally blacked passage (catalytic converter), so that all exhaust is blowing back through the carburetor which is a no-no as far as the medical people are concerned.

Recently some scientist found some dude at the bottom of the ocean who only had a mouth and no anus. Tobe is a horse of a different color though. His species requires one.

His cancer compressed his colon, so that no exhaust is permitted.

He told me that he is not doing the pranayama practice due to the condition of the body as to how weak it is. He mentioned that he has the Tibetan Book of the Dead. What will that do? Because if it did not do anything for him when he lived in Tibet centuries before what will it do now, especially since he converted to the Christian way of doing things and his mind has so many relational ideas which were picked up when one took many births in the Western influence.

Okay so instead of some wrathful deities with spikes and horns, there will be the devil and his minions waiting to scare the shit of him.

How did I advise him?

Simple to keep his meditation practice going. The pranayama practice which requires a somewhat healthy and strong body cannot be resumed until his physical structure is finished. I will keep an eye out for him. There is an astral place where he can hang out once he leaves the physical system behind. The old car, the physical body, may be sold for scrap once nature runs it into the junk yard of history one more time. But a vehicle with that many miles on it, all rusted and dented may be rejected by those high-end salvage yards. In which case somebody may have to pay to have it disposed off. This world is a bitch!

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