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Replies (3)
    • I tried, but fail to see the real motive for this particular study.

      If not reels of movie scenes, how else do this researcher and his team of scientists suppose the brain could possibly stack and organize registries of memories?

      • They wire subject's brains to computers and check to see responses, specific micro-electric one which occur when each memory is either called for or arises. The micro-electric signals are tagged so as to identify particular memory which has specific electronic pictures which fire from the brain.

        For the purpose of inSelf yoga, this may be done during meditation but to observe the involuntary memory presentations in the mind. Patanjali listed memory as a nuisance operation (vritti). The details of its operation should be known by a yogi, especially since the majority of it is involuntarily arising in the mind, where it arrests the focus of the coreSelf.

      • Great technical details of the process of introspective sensory withdrawal, as an integral/inclusive mechanism of the recall of memory reels during meditation.

        For an inSelf Yogi, it is kind of basic. Maybe too simple...Therefore, I was like, yea, of course, what's his point. 

        There is no other way for events/elements of the memory bank registry to be recalled for analysis by the intellect. 

        Still, it is a great understanding and confirmation of the strict correlation between Nature's processes as accessed in mystic yogic practice and Nature's processes as discovered through scientific research and evidence. 

        A very interesting and useful digging by researcher Baldassano and his team of scientists. I await their study and deeper analysis and assessment of not just how parts of specific memory registries are accessed and recalled, but also a categorization of those memory reels based on certain characteristics, such as the degree of impact formed upon initial sensory intake, the point of recall or locations of different memory registries, etc... Considering the recent different researches on all things memory and the overall advancement into the digital age, these understandings or answers are very much so on the near horizon.

        Importantly, these analyses or studies are actually assignments for myself, as an inSelf Yogi. Though science has consistently confirmed, and does so at its most advanced levels of research and study, the mechanics of our practice, we are simply ions ahead of science, depending on individual practitioners' level of application.

        Hopefully, my personal practice or research can one day assist me in having a deeper understanding of the “involuntary” nature of the vrittis. I believe that with sufficient isolation this involuntary/impulsive nature might be better understood, even if only to grasp the super subtle movement within the subtle form, psyche and consciousness complex, that immediately predates said vrittis or sensory manifestation, presented as memory recalls. In a way, right before raindrops are upon us (an uncontrolled natural event), science breaks down a detailed mechanism of meteorological events that take place. 

        For instance with enough isolation and more detailed introspection, one immediately realizes that memory (recall) is based on needs (present or random) based on the individual's or other connected entities' interests as well as the environment of exposure afforded by Nature. So, before the rain, the cloud formation…

        In essence, the result of such a study could most likely only result in an exposition of mystic yoga processes in more technical and updated terms. 

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